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Barry and Kara's vehicle safely landed on the planet where . Calling out into their comms and receiving no response, they came to the conclusion that they had lost connection so the two were alone for now.

"I knew it. This was a trap to get rid of Supergirl and Flash. How could we have been so foolish as to go? He knew we'd lose connection, we need to find a way back." Kara sighed.

"Hmm, maybe we should just explore because he might have been telling the truth." Barry suggested.

"Okay, we can take a chance." Kara agreed, the two walking further.

The place they were in was a very nature filled place. Many plants surrounded them, the grass a lively shade of green. In the distance was a village which they had entered.

There were many people, small stalls for shopping and little houses.

They didn't fail to notice how everyone was looking at them.

"We don't fit in here Barr." Kara whispered.

Barry noticed a small stall with more fitting clothes which he approached, quickly taking two and handing Kara one.

"Here, change into this." He whispered as Kara looked at the folded, cotton outfit.

He hesitated, his eyes landing on the supposed owner of the stall with her son. He had tubes coming out of him attached to a device, a clear indication of his sickness. Barry couldn't help but feel piteous.

"Lets go." Kara said

The two went behind a tree and quickly dressed into it, Kara wearing a dull blue cloak and Barry wearing a red one. Now they didn't stand out as much.

"Okay, the map Brainy gave says to go this way. You coming?" Barry said.

"Yeah, of course..." Kara said. Looking around, her surroundings amazed her. The beauty of it all was something to take in. It looked so much more peaceful than earth.

"You okay?" Barry asked her, noticing her distressed expression.

"Just thinking about how ironic this is. Donning disguises around the solar system seems to be my karma." Kara spoke.

"It's necessary for survival here. But love, if being supergirl is laying on you and is getting to be too much then you have a right to stop. I'm here to protect the city."

"Against aliens? You're still human Barr."

"Don't worry about me. We always find a way. I care more about you and your health."

"No, it's not that. I just wish my day to day life didn't have to have a disguise. Kara Danvers isn't the real me. It's exhausting."

"Exposing yourself as supergirl could get to an invasion of privacy, not to mention dangerous."

"We're getting close." Barry pointed out.

In a more secluded area, they noticed a barren patch of land with nothing but a small greenhouse looking building. Trees surrounded it but from a distance.

Kara began to look at the inscriptions on one of the pillars.

"Kara?" Barry asked.

"And on Earth, the soul is lost in destruction. May their flames forever burn in Rao's light. It's a Kryptonian memorial..." Kara read aloud.

"This is Krypton?" Barry asked.

"No..." A worried Kara said, looking around as if trying to confirm her suspicions.

"Argo." She answered.

Suddenly, a bunch of flying robots flew down in a protective manner.

"Don't move. Identity yourself. Stay where you are. Do not move." The robots spoke, Barry and Kara panicking.

"Stand down caretakers!" A voice spoke, approaching the group.

When her and Kara's gaze met, the two's jaws dropped, their expressions mirroring each others. Kara, however, had watery eyes and the both of them were shocked.

"Mom..." Kara asked, trying to confirm that it wasn't just an illusion.

"Kara... is that you?" Alura asked, as Kara ran towards Alura, nodding her head in shock as the two enveloped each other in a hug.

"How- how are you alive?" A confused Kara questioned.

"Your father created a shield to protect Argo when Krypton exploded. We never would have sent you away if we had known it'd work. I thought you were dead..." Alura sniffled.

"I don't understand, I saw your pod get knocked into the phantom zone." She added.

"I... I was stuck there for years but somehow my pod got... loose and I fell to earth with Kalel." She answered.

"Kal made it... he's alive?"

He got there first." She smiled.

"If I had known you were here. If I knew Argo was here, if I knew you were alive I never would have stopped searching for you!" Kara said.

Alura felt a sense of gratefulness. Her daughter was back and the two were reunited, she smiled. Her gaze then landed on Barry.

"I don't recognise you." Alura said.

"Barry- I'm from Earth ma'am." Barry said.

"Well, Barry, you are welcome here." She said.

"Thank you." Barry respectfully nodded.

"If you didn't know I was alive and stopped searching... what brought you here?" Alura asked.

"My daughter- our daughter." Kara answered, looking at Barry.

"She's in trouble. Something happened and- and she's hanging onto her life and we don't know any other solution. I love her but she's in so much pain but we think we know a way to heal her and we followed its radiation signature here." Kara answered, noticing the visible shock on her face.

"I... I have a granddaughter?" Alura asked, Kara warmly smiling as a yes.

"Right, the Harun El." Alura said.

"The Black rock of Yuda Kal." Alura added.

"You know what it is?" Kara asked.

"Hmm, follow me. Both of you." Alura said? Guiding them elsewhere.

"After the fallout, ashes and destruction poisoned the air. We had nothing to protect us as we hurtled through space. The young and the old were the first to become sick. They struggled in our new atmosphere. Their lungs more vulnerable and weak. But after the fallout passed she shield kept our atmosphere more hospitable. It is what your father gave his life for. Argo was in constant darkness and we were running out of air. We were dying. Your father repurposed his unfinished research to create a liveable environment. He believed that the Harun-El could act as a shield for the city and he was right. His legacy keeps our air breathable and shields us from invaders. It keeps us hidden." Alura explained, leading them further into a building.

"That's why we didn't detect you in any scans. Why there were no signs of life." Barry spoke.

"And why we can't get in touch with Earth..." Kara added.

"No signal can get out." Kara pointed out.

"Exactly. We mined all the Harun-El. All of it is here. And every ounce of it means one more moment of life." Alura said, the three looking at the large stone.

"Because of that we have none of it to spare." Alura disappointedly mumbled.

"There has to be a way, we only need a little bit." Kara pleaded.

"It is not mine to give. But I will call a meeting with the high council." Alura offered.

"Thank you." Kara nodded.

"It'll take a few hours to gather the members. In the meantime... I was hoping I'd get to know my daughter." Alura hopefully smiled, Kara holding a large, gleeful smile in return.

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