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A/N: I'm working on adding more male characters to the story because currently, Barry is outnumbered. So we've given him Winn. Give me some time, I'll add more. I'd love ideas though 😭

So far, it's 5 v 2 unless you count the children then it's 7 v 2.

Oh and the reason this character is here is because her background will be important to the final part of this story. That one will be about the Superflash couples kids though.


"Elodie?!" Alex gasped.

"What are you doing here?"

"Wow, I can turn around and go back if you want. Clearly I'm not wanted." Elodie huffed.

"No! You can't leave!" Kara said.


"We're just shocked is all, come here" Alex said as she pulled Elodie in for a hug, a huge smile painted across her face at the presence of the other female.

"I want a hug too Elle" Kara frowned.

"Come here" Elodie chuckled, moving from Alex' arms and into Kara's.

"I can't believe you're here!" Kara excitedly squealed.

"Well Mr Wayne gave me the month off for a break so I could visit my two favourite sisters!"

"He only gave it because-" Kara smirked.

"Don't. Even."

"Well either way, we're glad you're here." Alex smiled.

"Well I'm crashing sisters night so what we watching?"

"You are our sister so I'm pretty sure that you're allowed to" Alex said.

"You're also my best friend!" Kara said as she pulled Elodie in for a side hug.

"I hate you"

"I love you too!"

"Kara... can't... breathe" Elodie managed to get out.

"My bad" Kara said, moving her arms.

"Okay so I need to check into my hotel-"

"Hotel?" Alex asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Yes... I'm not exactly going to sleep on the streets..."

"Well duh. You're staying with me." Alex said.


"No, she's staying with me" Kara frowned.

"I sort of-"

"She's my younger sister Kara, I'm just taking care of her. I don't mind."

"It's kind of-"

"Yea and she's my older sister and best friend so she's staying here."


"I want her to stay at mine though!"

"Still here"

"No but she should stay here! I want her here!" Kara pouted.

"Okay, guys?!"

"What's up Elle?" Alex asked, turning to her.

"The reason I rented a hotel room is because you guys always do this."

"And Alex always wins."

"Okay, Kara. If it's fine, I'll stay here"

"Hah, in your face Alex!" Kara teased.

"Ugh, whatever Kara." Alex mumbled, Elodie chuckling.

"But I'll need to call the hotel. Give me a moment" Elodie said as she fished her phone out of her pocket, going towards the kitchen area where it was slightly more quiet.

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