Chapter 17 - You Left Out a Small Detail

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Sleep doesn't come easily the following night.
    I toss and turn, becoming entangled in my sheets. Frustration washes over me and I give up.
    My legs swing off of the bed and lead my body towards the bathroom. The light flicks on and I squint against it's harshness. My eyes finally adjust to the harsh transition and linger over to the mirror that hangs over the counter and sink. I look into the harsh blue eyes that stare back at me. They look tired and worn out. Stressed.
    I look at my hair that's piled on top of my head in a tangled heap. I reach for my plastic black comb and begin sectioning it off, struggling against its fierce knots.
    After about fifthteen minutes of untangling and struggling, my hair is back to its natural fluffy consistency. I grab a scrunchie and put it into a tight messy bun, then exit the bathroom.
    My heart almost leaps out of my chest as I spot Dimitri sitting on my bed wearing a blue T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans.
    "Jesus," I exclaim, clutching my hand to my chest. "You scared the hell out of me."
    The blood flushes from my face as he steps into the moonlight, a sinister smile plastered on his face. His fiery red eyes lock with mine and I let out a haggered scream.
    I have no time to react as he grabs my arms and slams me against the concrete wall.
    My fearful eyes lock with Daniel's as his fangs extend into pointy canines. His hand covers my mouth as I begin let out another scream.
    "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment," he says in a menacing tone.
    My blood runs cold and I struggle to free myself from his death grip, but it's no use.
    He smirks at me, trailing his eyes down to an exposed throbbing vein on my neck. Without hesitation, his fangs pierce through my flesh and blood trickles down my now pale skin.
    The pain is excruciating. It feels as if everything in my body is on fire. It never felt like this when Dimitri bit me. His bite was more soothing and comforting. But Daniel's bite is full of pain and I suffer against its will.
    My body jerks up as I open my eyes. My hand flies to my chest as my breathing becomes heavier. Sweat trickles down my spine and I search my surroundings. Realization kicks in and I ease myself. I'm in Dimtri's room. I'm safe. It was just a dream.
    I run a shakey hand through my hair and let out a huge amount of air through my parted lips. My eyes wander to the space besides me and a wave of disappointment washes over me when I don't see Dimitri. Where is he?
    I throw my feet from the side of the bed and hop down. Loooking over at the clock, I gasp at the time: 2:34. Have I really been asleep for that long?
    I open the heavy door and walk down the dimly lit hallway towards the winding staircase. The events of yesterday play through my mind and I become more fearful.
    Daniel wants to kill me.
    And it's because of his stubborness towards Layla. But it wasn't Dimitri's fault. Layla killed herself because of Daniel's selfishness. He knew that he would never be able to find his soul mate. He knew that Layla would never  love him like he wanted her to. And it's certainly not Dimitri's fault that she fell in love with him. Daniel knows that, but he just wants to put the blame on someone else instead of being responsible for his own acts. It's no one's fault but his, and it's time that he realizes that.
    I whiz by the kitchen when I don't spot Dimitri in there. He must be in his office.
    My heart rate increases as I approach Dimitri's office, my anitcipation for him growing and growing as I get closer. But my footsteps begin to slow as I hear the ear splitting hollers and growls of two testosterone filled male voices.
    I strain my ears as I inch closer to the office doors, making sure that I don't create any type of noise that indicates my pressence.
    Dimitri's piercing growl makes me cringe against the door and I contemplate walking away and coming back later. But my feet are rooted to the spot.
    "Why're you even here? You know that you're not welcomed," Dimitri hisses.
    "Oh, brother. Don't tell me that you've forgetten the promise that I made to you over 300 years ago."
    My hand flies to my gaping mouth in utter shock and horror.
    "What happened to Layla has nothing to do with me!"
    "It has EVERYTHING to do with you!"
    "Daniel, she killed herself because you bonded her. If you would have just accepted the fact that she would never be your soul mate, then she wouldn't have killed herself. You made her life misserable and you know that, but you're just too stubborn to take responsibility for your own selfish actions."
    "If you wouldn't have made her fall in love with you, then I wouldn't have to have bonded her. You know, it's just like you to try and steal the only thing that had meaning to my life. Why, Dimitri?"
    "Daniel, I didn't make her fall in love with me. I know that you aren't able to have a soul mate, and I'm so sorry that you have to live like that. But in no way did I intend on making Layla fall in love with me. I was too busy looking for my soul mate to even pay attention to Layla."
    Daniel chuckles, though there's no humor to it. "Yeah, and you've finally found her after all of these years. Tell me brother, have you even fully explained the whole soul mate thing to her? Does she even know the full process of becoming actual soul mates? And do you even remember Adelaide?"
    Silence fills the air. My palms become sweaty as my eyebrows scrunch together in confusion and curiosity. What process? Why is Dimitri all of a sudden so silent?  And who the fuck is Adelaide? Dear God, please don't tell me that there's an even bigger secret that he's been hiding from me. I've had my fair share of enough secrets to last me a lifetime.
    A throat clearing interrupts my thoughts and I focus in on the conversation.
    "How is she going to react once you tell her?" Daniel asks in a mocking tone.
    "I'll find a way to tell her," states Dimitri in a sad voice. "And she doesn't need to know about Adelaide. That's the past and is where I plan to keep it. But in the mean time, you stay away from her. I mean it."
    Daniel huffs. "And what makes you think I will? You don't scare me, Brother."
    Dimitri slams his first with great force against his desk. "Don't toy with me, Daniel. Leave her out of this. She knows about Layla, and I've told her to stay away from you. There's no way that you'll even get near her. Not as long as I'm here."
    "You underestimate me, Brother. But don't fret. I won't kill her... Yet."
    The heavy door swings open with great force. I stumble back, almost falling to the ground, but balance myself against the wall.
    My eyes widen in horror as I see Daniel towering over me, a mischevious smirk plastered on his face.
    "Well, well, well," he says, stepping closer. "Looks like we've got ourself an eavesdropper."
    Everything in my body tells me to run for my life. But my fear forbids me to do so, so I stand there with buckling knees.
    "Did you find out what you wanted?" Daniel asks me with a smirk.
    My mouth opens, but no words seem to want to come out, so I close it. I feel Dimitri's heavy gaze weighing me down, forcing me to glance over at him. A cloud of emotions fill his eyes, the brightness of hazel now just a dull brown. He's hiding something from me. I instantly become pissed off and break the gaze.
    Looking over at Daniel, that annoying smirk of his is still plastered on his face as he folds his arms against his broad chest. "I'd be pissed too if I find out that my boyfriend was hiding something from me," he says. "Why don't you start explaining, Dimitri? I'm that Corey would love to be let in on your little secret."
    He winks at Dimitri.
    Dimitri's eyes turn a demonish red as he darts them to his cocky brother. He slowly advances towards him until they're face to face. It's weird how strikingly similar they are. I mean, they're even the exact same height. Both have the same jet black, shaggy hair that falls just shy of their eyes. Both brothers have the same tight jawline and facial structures. Even their smiles are the exact same. The only thing that's different about them is that Dimitri seems to be a little bit older than Daniel. He has a stronger build than him.
    "This is not the time nor the place to disscuss that," Dimitri warns.
    "How long are you going to wait, Brother?" Daniel mocks. "When are you going to tell her about Adelaide?"
    Dimitri rams Daniel hard into the wall, both of their eyes now a burning red. "Get out. Now!"
    I jump at Dimitri's tone. I've never heard him speak in such a deadly and threatening way that I slowly begin to inch back, not knowing his next move.
    Daniel shoves Dimitri, his familiar smirk creeping upon the corners of his mouth. "I'll be back," he says as he turns and walks in my direction.
    My eyes lock with his as he pauses in front of me and says, "And when I return, I'll have you by my side, wheher you're willing or not."
    And with that fearful statement, he saunters off and dissappears down the intimidatingly dark hallway.
    When I hear the sound of the front door slamming shut, my body slowly slides down the hall until I feel the cool ground touching my butt. Tears pool out of my eyes as I burry my face in my lap. My body shivers as I let out haggered breaths. My bottom lip trembles against its will, my sobs muffled against my shaking legs.
    You know, I thought that I could handle... all of this. The slave thing, vampires, finding my so-called "soul mate", Dimitri... But now, everything's becoming more and more complicated as I find out more and more secrets. And I can't do this any more. I want to leave. It's time for me to go home.
    Dimitri's hand pats the small of my back in a comforting way. I snatch away from and stand up.
    "Corey, I'm so sorry that you had to hear that," Dimitri begins, but I stop him.
    "Sorry that I heard what? That the next time Daniel comes, he's taking me with him against my will to do whatever, or about Adelaide? Or about the 'process'? Are you really keeping more secrets from me, Dimitri? Don't you think that I've been through enough already?"
    "Corey, are you listening to yourself? Daniel is plotting on murdering you and you're standing here questioning me."
    "I'm pretty aware about Daniel's plans for my demise. I mean hello, I was standing right here while you too were catching up. We can deal with that later. But what I'm concerned about right now is the fact that you're hiding something else from me. So tell me, Dimitri. Who is Adelaide?"
    His hands fly to his face in annoyance and imaptience. I fold my arms, waiting for him to answer me.
    "Corey," he begins. "You don't need to worry about her right now. What I'm focused on right now is how I can keep you safe from Dan-"
    "Just stop," I interrupt him. "It absolutely infurriates me when you dodge my questions. Why can't you just be straight-forward with me? I'm your fucking mate for Christ's sake. All I ask is for you to be honest with me. But you can't even do that. Who the hell is Adelaide?"
    Out of all of the possible things he could do right now, he decides to smile. Freaking smile! He better be pretty lucky that I don't just pounce on him right now.
    "You're jealous," he states. "That's cute."
    And that's when I lose it.
    My fists react before I can and before I know it, make contact with his face. I hit him hard enough for him to stumble, which shocks me because I mean... He's a vampire. He's ten times stronger than I am. Where did that strength come from?
    He grabs me by my shoulders and pushes me into the wall. I wince from the slight burning sensation I get from the impact. "Don't hit me," Dimitri warns in a low tone that sends chills down my spine.
    I feel slightly intimidated, but don't dare show it. "Get your hands off of me, Dimitri. I don't want to be near you right now."
    "You don't mean that."
    Oh, if only he knew how much I despise him right about now. "I do. You disgust me. Now let me go."
    Being the stubborn asshole that he is, he doesn't even flinch. His hands slide down to my hips and linger their. I hate to admit it, but it felt good to feel his hands explore my body. But my rage won't allow me to enjoy it for now.
    "Baby, I don't want to fight."
    A kiss is placed in between the meeting of my neck and shoulder. I shiver against the brief contact, lust slowly creeping through my veins. I know what he's doing. He's trying to avoid the situation like he always does instead of taking it head-on. If he thinks that he can just seduce me when he wants to avoid answering me then he's in for a rude awakening.
    I place my hands on my chest and shove him away. He barely moves this time. "Get away from me!" I yell.
    "Would you just calm down?" he pleads, wincing against my ear splitting scream.
    "I will not calm down until you give me answers. Who. Is. Adelaide?"
    He finally realizes how pissed off I am and backs away. "She's no one, Corey. Don't stress over it."
    "Who is she? Is she someone that I should be concered about? Did you fuck her? What is it? I already know about Layla, so what is it about Adelaide? Was she one of your lovers or something? Talk to me, Dimitri. No more secrets."
    "Okay, fine.You wanna know the truth? Yes, Corey. I did fuck Adelaide. We fucked any time we could, which was all of the time. Yes, she was my lover. I loved her more than anything. And no, you don't need to be worried about her. She's not worried about you. She has more important things to worry about rather than a whinning, stubborn brat that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up. God, she was way easier to handle than your emotionally damaged ass. Do you ever stop crying? Grow some balls for fucks sake."
    So that's how he feels, huh?
    I should've known that I wasn't the only one.
    Silly me for falling in love.
    At least I've learned my lesson. I mean yeah, my heart is broken. But hey, it's okay. I got a chance to see what love is like. Too bad it was short lived.
    "Well," I say, straightening my clothes and fixing my hair. "You can go ahead and call her and tell her that you're single because I'm done."
    The anger that flashes through his eyes immediately falters and is replaced with sorrow. "Wait Corey. I'm so so sorry. I-I didn't mean to say that. You know that I love you."
    "Hey, it's cool. No hard feelings. It's already been said."
    "Corey, I'm sorry. Adelaide is my past. You're my present and future. Please forgive me."
    "Right now Dimitri, I don't want to have anything to do with you. I'm too emotionally damaged to be dealt with right now," I mock. "I'm sure that you and Adelaide will have a great time with eachother since you guys fucked any chance that you got. I'll just go back to being your slave. And hey, maybe I'll enjoy dying. At least I'll be relieved of any more suffering."
    "Stop." The power behind that one word is enough to force me to stop rambling. I watch as he saunters over to me, eventually placing both hands on either of my cheeks. "I love you and only you, okay? Adelaide was a phase. Like Layla, I fell out of love with her because she wasn't my soul mate. But you are, and I'm grateful for that. Losing you would kill me."
    "Well you better start preparing for you funeral, because you already lost me."
    With that being said, I brush past, but then stop. "And since I'm already in a shitty mood, what else do you need to tell me? Whatever it is, I'd rather hear it now than later."
    He sighs. "I don't think that right now is the right-"
    I stomp hard against the marble floor. "Spit it out."
    He stares at for what seems like an eternity until he finally gives in. "The process that Daniel mentioned? What that means is that once a vampire finds their soul mate... they have to turn them within three months of finding them. And I have three weeks left to turn you. Or else you'll die, because soul mates have to be of the same species."
    And that's when I lost it.

Whaaat? Is that an update that I see? Why yes, it is. Haha. Sorry I took so long. Finals were a complete dissaster, then came Christmas and blah blah blah. But, since I'm on break, I should have another update up quickly. Who do you guys think Adelaide really is? How could Dimitri say that to Corey? Poor thing. Be sure to read Imprinted on my page guys! Thanks a lot :) Happy Holidays!

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