Chapter 5 - Dimitri

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                We drive for what seems like hours. The city of Rome begins to disappear and is replaced with endless fields of wild flowers and grass. I’m still stuck on the fact that I’m supposed to be a gift for some vampire prince. A gift! I’m a human being for Christ’s sakes! What gives anyone the right to buy me as a gift for anyone? On top of that, I was also bought as a slave.

                “So…. Who are you?” I ask the woman who bought me.

                She slowly turns her head towards me, glaring as she spits out, “I’m Dimitri’s assistance. I make sure all of his appointments and meetings are in order and keep his schedules in check.”

                “Well what am I here for?”

                “You’re just a slave. You clean up, run some errands, and get fed off of every now and then.”

                My body goes rigid at the last statement. Not only will I be treated like a dog, but I’ll also be used as a blood bank.

                “Is Dimitri mean?” I ask.

                “You will address him as master and only master,” she sneers.

                I refrain from asking her anymore more questions for fear that I’ll only upset her more. I’m so afraid right now. I might as well lose all hope of ever returning home and seeing my family and friends. What’s even happening back at home? I can’t even imagine how worried my parents must be. I’ll never see them again.

                The limo finally comes to a stop. I look out the window and gasp out how huge this castle is. It resembles a mansion more than it does a castle, but I don’t say anything.

                The woman opens the door and pushes me out, almost making me fall face first on the gravel. “Follow me,” she says in a low and unfriendly tone.

                I fall into step behind her as two guards open the huge heavy wooden doors. Her heels click against the black marble floor, sending an eerie echo down the hall. I look down at my feet, realizing that I lost my heels in between home and that prison.

                We turn the corner and stop in front of two huge sliding doors. “Stay right here,” the woman says.

                I stand here, legs trembling in fear as I stand outside of the doors. What’s Dimitri like? Is he an evil, cynical man? Will he force me to do sexual favors for him? Will he feed off of me? Tears threaten to make their way from my eyes, but I quickly blink them away as the doors open. “Come in.”

                Slowly, I make my way into the huge office. Looking up, I see a man sitting in an office chair, his back towards me. ‘That must be Dimitri,’ I think to myself. God, I hope he’s not a perv or some evil tyrant. If he’s at least somewhat kind to me, then I wouldn’t be as worried. But I highly doubt it.

                I jump at the sound of his deep voice as he says, “You may leave now, Candace.”

                She courtesies in respect to him before sliding open the doors and closing them behind her.

                My breathing becomes shaky as Dimitri slowly turns around in his chair, landing his bright hazel eyes on me. I gasp at how gorgeous he is. His jet black hair falls just above his eyes, styled in a messy way that only he can pull off. His lips are a soft pink, tempting to kiss. Unlike the vampires I’ve recently seen, his skin is a creamy white with a slight tan. And his muscular features can be visible through his black crew neck.

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