Chapter 14 - An Unexpected Surprise

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I wake up Saturday morning smiling like and idiot. My lips still tingle after kissing Dimitri.

    He said that he loves me.

     I feel kind of bad because I didn't say it back. Hopefully he understands why. I'll say it one day. But right now, I'm not quite ready.

    Throwing on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and putting my hair up in a messy pony tail, I exit my room and make my way to Dimitri's office.

    My heart jumps for joy at the thought of seeing his gorgeous face again. I cherish every moment spent with him as if it were my last. He's my other half. My soul mate. And I hate to admit that he was right. Once I let my feelings for him take over me, my eyes became more open. Everything is clearer. I see a better outlook on the world now. He makes me feel... Alive.

    His mahogany doors silently creak open as I slide them.

    Dimitri's back is to me as I walk in. He's chatting it up on his cell, unaware of my presence. "Yeah, I'm just here at the castle," he says.

    I creep up behind him and snake my arms around his waist. I startle him a little and giggle. He turns his head around and looks down at me, smiling. "No, I'm not doing anything today. Just hanging with my girl... Of course... I'm sure they would... Yeah, bro. Come over... Okay... See you in a bit." He places his phone in his pocket, then sits down on the edge of his desk, pulling me by my waist and positioning me in front of him. "Good morning, beautiful."

    "Good morning, Your Highness."

    He chuckles. "God, that sounds so sexy coming from your mouth. Say it again."

    I smirk.

    Lowering my lips down to his ear, I whisper seductively, "Your Highness."

    He moans softly and grabs my butt, nipping at my neck softly.

    "Whoa there," I say. "It's too early for that."

    "Oh c'mon," he whines. "You just look so tempting right now."

    I cock an eyebrow. "In sweats and t-shirt? Haha. Nice try."

    He gives me a lingering kiss and looks deeply into my bright blue eyes. "Baby, you could be wearing rags and you'd still be beautiful. You'll always be beautiful in my eyes."

    A smile creeps upon my face.

    "There's that beautiful smile," he says.

    I lightly punch him in his arm. "Kiss up."

    He bites his lower lip and winks at me. I smile and look down at my feet, not wanting him to see my flushed cheeks. If he keeps doing that to me, I swear that I'll just rip off his clothes and do all kinds of naughty things to him. God, he is just so enticing. I can't believe that he's my soul mate.

    My body tenses up as his hands explore me. He grabs me aggresively, pulling me closer to him. He bites my neck and grabs my breasts. I moan loudly, enjoying every second of it.

    With great speed, he sits me on top of his desk. I wrap my legs tightly around his waist, bringing him closer to me. He rips off my shirt and presses my back against the cold wooden desk. My mind goes numb as his lips press against my stomach. A wave of lust washes over me. I suddenly don't care about losing my virginity right now in his office. I want him. I want his body against mine. I want to feel his warmth, his love. Everything.

    Disappointment crosses my features as he abruptly pulls away.

    I rise up and furrow my eyebrows in confusion as he dusts himself off, trying to compose himelf. "I'm sorry," he said. "I lost control for a minute. Didn't mean to take it that far."

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