Chapter 10 - Don't You Feel it Too?

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The week goes by slowly. Too slowly actually.

I haven't spoken to Dimitri since Monday. I just go into his office every morning, grab my list of duties, and go about my day. I haven't once looked him in the eye, because I'm now more afraid of him than I ever was before. I've learned my lesson when it comes to Dimitri: Don't piss him off.

It's finally Friday. Even though during the busy week, I'm free after four, I've been hanging out in my room all week. I didn't want to risk running into Dimitri, the images of him flinging me across the room like a rag doll still playing through my mind. But I've started to become bored. I mean, there is a tv in my room. But all of the shows are in Italian. So I've decided to get some fresh air.

Taking a quick steamy shower, I throw on a pair of jean shorts and a blue tank top. I put my hair up in a messy bun, letting a few strands fall, slip on a pair of black flip flops, then hesitantly waltz out of my room.

The hallways are empty as I stroll down them, the only sound coming from the flopping of my shoes.

I pass by Dimitri's office on my way to the ballroom and pause for a brief moment, debating whether or not to check in on him. I decide against it and go about my business.

I pass by a few slaves in the ballroom mopping the floors. They smile and wave at me and I do the same.

Opening the doors to the backyard, I'm greeted by the scent of roses, tulips, baby's breaths, daisies and many more heavenly scented flowers. Butterflies circle around me, landing on flowers and taking in the warmth of the sun. I spot a nearby fountain that takes up half of the beautifully decorated garden and walk towards it.

Upon discovering it, I spot things swiming around in the water. Taking a closer look, I see a school of koi fish. My favorite type of fish.

My feet aching from a hard week at work, I take it upon myself to sit down on the edge of the fountain.

I close my eyes and tilt my head back, enjoying the warmth of the sun carress my skin. My thoughts wander and I begin to think about home. How are things going there? I've been gone for about two weeks. How is my mom dealing with my disappearance? How does Terri feel about me being gone? Does she regret not taking me seriously? Even though she didn't believe me about almost being raped by Joshua, I still miss her. I miss everybody. I really haven't settled with the fact that I'll never be able to see my family and friends again. And it hurts.

Sighing, I open my eyes and to my shock and horror, see Dimitri loitering in front of me. Fear coarses through my body and I almost fall into the fountain. But in a second, he catches me, preventing me from getting soaked.

I look into his eyes, seeing pain and concern. I squirm out of his arms, disappointment crossing his features the farther I back away from him. "What's wrong?" he asks.

My head instinctively shakes, my eyes not meeting his.

"Well come here."

My feet beckon me from moving.

He frowns and crosses his arms, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and frustration. "Corey, come here."

The seriousness in his tone makes me shiver, but I do as he says and slowly make my way towards him.

I stop, only arms length away from him, still not looking him in the eyes.

"Come closer."

My feet move before I can think and don't stop until my nose is less than an inch away from his chest. He places two fingers underneath my chin and tilts my head up, forcing me to look into his eyes. God, they're so gorgeous.

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