Chapter 8 - The Confrontation

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Sorry for the shortness of this chapter. I just felt like it was neccesary to put it in the story so you guys could get a better understanding of the way Corey feels about male attention, and I didn't want to start a new part in this chapter. But I promise that the next chapter will be longer. So again, sorry for it being so short. I'll update either tomorrow or Wednesday.

    I slowly open my eyes, but see nothing but darkness. Blinking and rubbing my eyes, my vision begins to come back. My head throbs and my neck aches. What happened? The only thing I remember is talking with Dimitri. Now I'm lying in bed with no recollection of  getting into bed.

    My legs feel like a pile of feathers as I climb out of bed and fall to the floor. I balance my self on the wall and struggle to get to the bathroom. Looking in the mirrior, I notice some gauze taped to my neck with blood spots. Peeling it off, my memory rushes back.

    Dimitri said that he had to bite me in order for us to be bonded so that no one else could have me. Then I remember agreeing to it and him biting me. But he wouldn't stop after awhile and became aggresive. Then I passed out.

    I'm enraged and slam my fists down on the counters. He said that I wasn't a blood bank for him. That I was special to him. That's all bullshit now. I actually did trust him for a minute. But now I see that everything he told was all a lie. I'm not special to him. I'm not his favorite slave. It was all a lie. I'm just another pretty face to him. Once he gets tired of me, he'll go off to another auction and buy another girl, then give her this room and tell her all of the lies he told me, and probably others. And there's nothing that I ca do about it because I'm bonded to him, meaning no one else can have me. I'll suffer for the rest of my life.

    A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts.

    I stroll over to the door. I didn't think that my mood could possibly get any worse than it already is. But I guess that I was mistaken.

    Dimitri stands in my doorway and before I can react, grabs me and tightly hugs me. "I'm so glad that you're okay," he says into my shoulder.

    I roll my eyes and push him away.

    "What's wrong."

    I ignore him and walk over to my window sill and sit down. He hovers over me, but I pretend that he's not there.

    "Corey if this is about last night then I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. I just couldn't control myself. Your blood just has this taste that I've never tasted before and I... I just lost control. I really am sorry."

    When I still don't respond, he picks me up by my shoulders and slams me into the wall. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he demands.

    "You!" I yell.

    "Me? What did I do?"

    "'You're not a blood bank, Corey. You mean more to me than that. You're special to me.' You're full of shit, Dimitri. You know you could've killed me last night? I actually trusted you. But you lied to me. I don't mean anything to you. Everything you told me was a lie. I'm not your favorite slave. You just said all of that just so I could let you bite me. And I'm so stupid because I let you and now I'm bonded to you forever. Just get out of my face."

    Dimitri's grip on my shoulders tightens and I whince in pain. "First of all," he says in a threatening tone. "Just because I give you a little bit more freedom than all of my other slves does not mean you can talk to me like this. Do you understand me?"

    I glare at him, but slowly nod.

    "Good". After that, his eyes soften. "Last night was a mistake. I should've waited to bond you, but I didn't want to take any chances. You're so special to me that I felt like I needed to do it right then and there. But I lost control and I'm sorry about. I reall am. And yes, I do realize that I could've killed you."

    "There you go with the lies," I say.

    "Damnit Corey! What makes you think that I'm lying? I've been nothing but generous to you! What the hell is wrong with you?"

    I say in a shaky voice, "You just don't get it. All my life I've had to listen to guys tell me how beautiful I am and how much they care about me and love me. I was so ignorant to the fact that the only reason they said those things to me because they wanted my virginity. I've never had an actual relationship with anybody because they all wanted the samething. And now here you are, saying the exact samethings to me and it just hurts because no matter how many times I've been hurt, I still managed to trust you. But now I don't know what to think."

    I try to stop the tears from coming, but they just keep falling out. Dimitri wipes my cheeks and looks me deeply in the eyes. "I'm not like all of those other guys, Corey. And I know that you've probably heard that before, but I mean it when I say it. Please believe me."

    "Why should I? Explain to me how you're different from everyone else."

    "I can show you better than I can tell you."

    "Whatever. I'm ready for my duties."

    "But Corey-"

    "My duties, Dimitri."

    We have a staring competition. I end up winning when he lets go of me and turns around, walking towards the door as he yells, "See me in 15 minutes."

    Once the door slams behind him, I slide down the wall and begin to ball. I wannt to go home. Things were fine until I came here. Why me? What have I done to deserve this punishment? How is everyone at home dealing with my disappearance? Do they even care? I'll just have to get used to this place. Because I'm never going home.

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