Chapter 19 - I Need a Favor

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Unknown P.O.V.

My burgundy silk robe engulfs my shapely body in its luxurious softness as I angrily leave the comfort of my bed in order to see who is at the door. Bloody hell, it's three in the morning. Who could possibly be at my door? Whoever it is better have a really good reason for disturbing me before I rip their head off.

I tightly grab the silver door knob and furiously swing open the door, the cold English air swirling around me. "You better have one hell of an explanation for waking-"

Focusing more on the tall figure posted in front of me, a grin plays upon my lips. "Well, well, well," I say. "What a pleasant surprise."

Daniel Romanucci towers over my door frame, his familiar seductive smirk modeled on his face. The last time I've seen the prince was close to 100 years ago. What is he doing on my doorstep?

"His Highness Daniel Romanucci," I state. "Do come in."

He swaggers inside my home, leaving behind a trail of sweet smelling cologne.

My nostrils flare open, taking in the wonderous fragrance. I often find myself wondering why I never considered choosing Daniel. His sex appeal is comparable to that of a moth to a flame. In my opinion, he woudl've been a better match for me rather than his spineless brother. Then again, sex with him was over the rip.

Daniel plops down on the velvet couch in my living room and rests his feet on my coffee table. I frown at him and fold my arms. "Still haven't learned any manners I see," I say, glaring at him.

He smirks and I roll my eyes, knocking his feet down as I sit next to him.

"So how are you?" Daniel's husky voice asks me. "I haven't seen you since Dimitri dumped you."

I begin to seath with anger. "Do moth test me. Remember that I am much older and stronger than you."

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"What are you doing in England?"

"I came to see you of course."

My eyebrow arches. "Really? At three in the morning? You're not here to just catch up, so spare me your lies. What do you want?"

His facade falters as his eyes begin to darken. I smile as the Daniel I know begins to show his true colors. "It's about Dimitri."

This sparks my interest. "Go on."

Daniel rises from the couch and begins to pace around the living room. "After all of these years, he's finally found his soul mate."

I frown. "You're joking."

To my disbelief, he shakes his head. "Is she pretty?"

"Beautiful," he sings.

My frown deepens. "Well what do you want me to do about it? Now that he's found her, there's no way that he'll look at another woman."

Daniel's eyes bore into mine, a wicked gleam flashing through them. "I may have... Disrupted thinga between the two love birds."

I laugh. "Why on earth would you do something like that?"

He doesn't answer right away, and I begin to ponder his motives.

Then it hits me. "You aren't still holding a grudge because of Layla, are you? Daniel, that happened over 300 years ago. When will you let it go?"

"NEVER!" His eyes are a bright red as he suddenly towers over me.

I slowly rise until we're eye level. "What do you want with me?" I question in an icey tone.

"I want you to bait him."

"Bait him?" I repeat. "For what?"

"I promised Dimitri that the day he finds his mate, he would suffer the same pain of loosing her like I did when I lost Layla. So, I want younto distract him. That way, it'll be easier for me to capture her."

Folding my arms against my chest, I cock my head to the right. "You always were big on revenge," I state. "Are you sure you really want to cause Dimitri that much pain? Do you have any idea how much it hurts for a vampire to lose their soul mate?"

My minds drifts off to images of my beloved. The pain I went through once I lost him nearly drove me to the point of insanity. Then I met Dimitri and everything changed. I thought I could use him as a distraction from my lost soul mate. But I was proven wrong, and the bastard broke up with me.

"You and I both know that you can't stand the thought of Dimitri being with somebody else," Daniel's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Just do this for me, and I promise that you can have him back."

His hazel eyes desperatly search mine, pleading me to comply.

Damn it. He's right.

"I'll be in Rome by Sunday."

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2013 ⏰

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