Chapter 4 - The Auction

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                The two men lead me through another door and out to a huge room filled with people dressed in formal attire. I stare out onto the crowd as they chatter amongst one another. Who are these people? Am I really in Italy? And what the hell did he mean by auction house?

                I’m dragged onto the stage and am seated with a group of other girls. When the men walk away I turn to a girl with bleach blonde hair and ask, “What’s going on? Why’re we here?”

                She looks at me with sad green eyes and I gasp at how badly beaten her face is. “They didn’t tell you?” she says. When I shake my head she sighs and looks at me with pity. “You were brought here to be auctioned off as a slave to a vampire.”

                I freeze and stare at her. I know I should be freaking out about being sold as a slave, but the fact that she said I’d be sold to a vampire makes me laugh. “Vampire? Are you serious? There’s no such thing.”

                She shakes her head and sighs. “Look at everybody in here. Notice that their skin is a little paler than normal?”

                I observe everyone in the room and gasp. She’s right. Everyone is really pale. But that still doesn’t prove that they’re vampires.

                “Vampires are everywhere,” she continues. “You’ve never noticed because they’re really good at blending in with society. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of your closest friends were vampires.”

                I think about Terri. There’s no way that she could be a vampire. She would’ve told me. Wouldn’t she?

                “What’s your name?” I ask.

                “Jade,” she says.

                “I’m Corey. So how long have you been… A slave?”

                “About two years. This is my fifth auction.”

                “But why us? Why were we chosen?”

                She shrugs. “They randomly pick girls off the streets and bring them here to be sold. Normally really beautiful girls. Are you a virgin?”

                I arch an eyebrow. “Yeah, why?”

                Jade looks at me, her eyes filled with sorrow, then shakes her head. “They crave virgin blood the most. Plus, you’re really beautiful. They’ll kill to have you as their slave, Corey. I just pray that you don’t get sold to some perv.”

                I cringe at the thought of being sold to some man that’ll only take advantage of me. And the fact that they crave virgin blood sends an uncomfortable chill down my spine. The thought of sharp fangs piercing through my skin to get a taste of my blood terrifies me.

                “W-What do slaves normally do?” I ask Jade in a shaky voice.

                “Whatever your master wants,” she says. “You can run errands, do chores, clean up, or for the more twisted ones, do sexual favors. And you can’t do anything about it. That’s another reason why they prefer virgins.”

                “What have they made you do?”

                “Everything I just said.”

                I look at Jade in sorrow. The fact that she’s been forced to perform sexual acts angers me. How could someone be so cruel and take away a girl’s rights and innocence? I refuse to do any of that. I don’t care if I’m beaten or even killed. I will never perform a sexual act against my will.

                The banging of a gavel makes me jump. A bald, plump man stands at the podium. The room settles down and he begins to speak. “Welcome everyone and thank you for coming. We have some very good looking girls today.” He gestures over to us. “We will now begin.”

                About 20 girls are sold off, prices ranging from $70,000-$250,000. It’s now narrowed down to Jade and I. Everyone in the room stares at us. At this point, I just want to crawl under a rock and disappear. I could never handle too many eyes on me at once.

                Jade is called up first. The man explains how she’s 18, obedient, a hard worker, and isn’t pure. By that I’m inferring that he means she’s not a virgin. The bidding goes on for about five minutes until someone buys her for $95,000. ‘Good luck,’ she mouths to me as she’s taken away. My legs begin to shake as I'm escorted to the bald man and stand  there before everyone.

                “Looks like we’ve saved the best for last,” he says, my stomach knotting up as he winks at me. “By the looks of it she’s about 17 and-“ he smells me and grins, “pure.”

                I become nauseated as I see every man in the room become alert and attentive, some licking their lips. It doesn’t dawn on me that I’m still in the clothes that I wore to Joshua’s party. I’m basically advertising as if to say ‘Take me’.

                The men go crazy as the bidding begins. One bids $99,000. Another bids $150,000. I stand there, head hanging low. I fear who ever ends up buying me. I come to the conclusion that I’ll never go back to New Jersey. I’ll never see my friends or family again. My life is over.

                “Sold!” the man says. $450,000 is how much I’m sold for. I slowly look up at my new ‘master’ and am shocked to see a woman. I’m dragged off the stage and to my new master. Or I guess mistress. She grabs me by my arm and leads me outside to a shiny black limo and pushes me inside. “To the castle,” she says and we drive of.

                “W-Where are you taking me?” I ask.

                She looks at me with a cold stare. “You’re not my slave if that’s what you think,” she spits out. “You’re a gift for His Highness’s birthday.”

                “A gift? I’m a human being, not some toy you can play with and throw away when you tire of it. And who is His Highness?”

                She rolls her eyes at me in annoyance. “Prince Dimitri.”

                “Is he a vampire?”


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