Chapter 15 - Oh, The Irony

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I'm tired, so there might be a few mistakes in here and I didn't feel like reading it over, so just tell me if something is mispelled or doesn't sound right and I'll fix it later. Also you guys, I created a new story called Imprinted and put up the prologue and first chapter. Please, if it's not too much to ask, take a look at it. I really think that it has the potential of becoming a really good story, other than this one. So please read it and give me feed back. Thanks guys. I'm going to sleep now, so nighty night my loves.

Terri plops herself onto the island in the massive kitchen as I search the walk-in pantry. I emerge with a large box of miniature chocolate chip cookies and another of cinnamon graham crackers. Cookies akways calmed Terri down for some odd reason.

    Sitting the boxes on the marble surface, I ease myself onto the island, sitting Indian style and facing Terri. "So what happened?" I ask eagerly, popping a chocolate chip cookie intho my mouth.

    Her eyes flutter to the ceiling in deep thought as she licks the cinnamon off of the graham cracker. "Well," she begins, wiping the crumbs off of her her pink lips with the back of her hand. "After you stormed off, I went to go look for Joshua and confront him about what happened between the two of you. I found him upstairs, fastening his belt buckle. Once I saw that Corey, I knew that you were telling the truth. He even tried to get me in bed. So I left the party and walked around the corner, thinking that you couldn't have gone far. But when I found your shoes on the sidewalk about a block away, I began to panic and felt awful that I just let you leave and didn't chase after you. I searched everywhere for you, but you were nowhere to be found. I finally gave up and sat down on a bench at the park and cried my eyes out for a good hour. Then out of nowhere, this man came up to me and asked if I was okay. When I told him that I was and he still lingered in front of me, I got up and began to walk away. Then he started to chase me and eventually caught me. Then I remember waking up in some... Dungeon in Florence. I was dragged out of the room and eventually sold to Jacob."

    "How much did he pay for you?" I ask in curiosity.

    "Around $425,000," she says, sighing.

    "That's around how much Dimitri payed for me."

    "Corey... Have you been, I don't know, feeling things for Dimitri?"

    I chuckle. "Let me guess. Everytime you're around Jacob, you feel as if you two are connected somehow. You yearn for his touch, and shiver when he says your name. Your first thoughts in the morning are him and the last thing you think about when you go to sleep at night. You look forward to doing your duties everyday because for that brief moment, you get to see his gorgeous face. And no matter how hard you try to deny your feelings for him, that little voice in the back of your head tells you that he's the one."

    She srunches her eyebrows in confusion, preventing a cookie from going into her mouth. "How... How do you know?"

    I give her a weak smile and hold her hand in mine, looking into her sea green eyes as if a mother would to her child, indicating that he has much to learn. "It's only the beginning, Terri. Your feelings for him will grow and grow with each passing day. It'll all make sense once Jacob explains everything to you."

    "Corey," she says in disbelief. "Do you feel the same way for Dimitri?"

    I nod. "I think he's fallen in love harder than I have," I joke to myself.

    "Love," Terri repeats.

    "Yup. The big L."

    She gives me a blank stare, sighing. "I think... I think that I might love Jacob too. But Corey, why? Why do I feel this way towards him? He's rude, he's arrogant, he has no manners. He's a complete asshole. But yet... I don't know. These past few days, he's shown me a different side of himself. What's happening Corey? I' so confused."

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