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Oikawa's Pov:

The party was over by midnight, but I left earlier because of Bella. When we got home, I put her to bed and then I sat in my office, busily trying to find Suga's name in the document that had all of the employs in the company.

It was taking a while. I have already gone through all the models, all the photographers. I presumed he would probably be one of those, but I guess I was wrong. I sighed and reached for the bottle of whiskey that was on the table. I took a long drink of it and got back to work. I desperately need to know where he works in the company. I know I'll get to see him tomorrow at work, since its Sunday, but there are over 200 people working in the company. I kept scrolling through all of the different job titles, and just as I was about to quit; I spotted his name. His name was the second to last, mine being at the bottom. I looked closer and my heart almost stopped; he's the bosses secretary. I slowly leaned back on my chair and rubbed my eyes. I looked at my watch, and it was already 1:00am. I looked over the computer screen and over again. I can't believe I'm going to work with him all day long basically. Shit, this is going to be great. I smiled and got up, grabbing the bottle of whiskey and going upstairs too my room.

-----The next Day------

My alarm went off, filling the silence in my room. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I then sat up and reach for my phone. 7am. I sighed and got out of bed. I slowly walked and got in my walk in closet and started to change into a professional suit for work. I then walked into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I need to go wake Bella up. I grabbed my phone, my suit blazer and left the room. I slowly made my way to Bella's room and opened the door. I turned off her star lights, and opened her blind. I then kneeled beside her bed and shook her awake.

"Come on Bella, we need to get up." I said, brushing the hair out of her face.

"Why?" She asked, sitting up.

"Because you have school and dad has work now." I said, patting her head.

"Ok!" She said, getting out of bed.

"Get dressed, brush your hair and your teeth. I'll go make breakfast." I said, making her bed.

"Ok dad!" She shouted from her closet.

After a minute I was done so I grabbed my things and went downstairs. I made a bowl of cereal for her and I made toast and coffee for me. I was drinking my coffee at the kitchen counter when Bella came walking in.

"Cereal!" She said, struggling to get up onto the stool at the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, your favourites." I said, helping her up.

"Monday starts well!" She said, swallowing a mouth full of cereal.

"Indeed." I said, laughing.

We took our time eating breakfast, and Bella told me everything about what she wanted to do at school today and how she was excited to see her friends. After we where both done with our breakfast, I put the things in the sink and we walked to the living room.

"Dad, can you help me put these on?" Bella asked, taking 2 butterfly clips out of her pocket.

"Of course pumpkin." I answered, taking them from her.

I attached one to each side of her head, on the start of her front hairs. I gave her a thumbs up when I was done and we got our shoes on. Then, we walked into the garage and Bella picked which car she wanted me to drive today. Like usual, she picked the white Lamborghini. She has an obsession with that car I swear. I grabbed the keys to the car, put Bella in and made sure her seatbelt was in and then I walked around and got into the drivers seat.

"Lets get you to school then." I said, starting the car.

I drove through the automatic garage doors and down the big path in front of the house. The gates to the house then opened and I drove through, making sure to look back and make sure they closed again. I then drove to Bella's school and dropped her off.

"Alright, here we are. Have a good day, ok?" I said, walking her to the door.

"I will! Will you pick me up dad?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'll pick you up. See you later." I said, kissing her forehead.

"Bye dad!" She said, walking inside.

Her teacher, who was by the door, waved at me and I waved back. I then quickly got back to the car and drove off to work. I'm awfully nervous, but I guess its just because it is the first day. The ride was thankfully short. When I parked my car, I saw that barely anyone was here. Makes sense, most people come in at 8. I sighed and got out of my car. I then locked it and walked inside the tall building. As I walked through the doors, the two guards greeted me and so did the receptionist. Her name is Yachi, she's nice. She told me the floor where my office is, which is the top one, so I clicked to that floor when I got inside the elevator. After a few seconds, I finally made it up there and the elevator door opened. The floor was big, of course, and there was a whole area with two sofas. There was also a desk, and a figure sitting at it. I recognised that silver hair straight away, it was the man from the party.

Suga's Pov:

I was busily looking over the schedule for today when the elevator binged and opened. I felt my heart beat increase as I heard someone walk in the floor. The new boss. I kept my eyes on the screen of my computer, even as I heard the figure approach. I only took my eyes of the screen when the figure stopped in front of my desk. Those brown eyes, just like at the party, made me melt. His brown hair looked super soft, and his suit fitted him so fucking well.

"Hello. Nice to see you again. Sugawara right?" He asked, looking down at me.

"Y-yeah. Most people call me Suga though. Nice to see you again too Mister Oikawa." I said, smiling.

"Please don't call me Mister, makes me feel old." He said, laughing." Just call me Oikawa or Tooru."

"R-right." I mumbled, feeling extremely warm. First name basis already?

"Well, what we have to do today?" He said, putting his hands on my desk and leaning in.

"You have a meeting at 11 and at 2. Its not a busy day today." I informed, looking through the calendar on the computer.

"That's nice. Atleast it gives me time to settle in. Say, would you mind showing me around?" He asked, smiling.

"No. I will gladly show you around." I said, also smiling and getting up.

I started by showing him our floor. I showed him the small kitchen, where he could ask me to make drinks or food. I showed him the bathroom. I showed him the waiting area, which he saw as he stepped out of the elevator. I showed him my desk, which was opposite the door to his office. I then showed him his office. I showed him his desk, which was in front of the wall covered with glass windows. The long, meeting table and the sofa chilling area if he ever needed to rest.

"It's a beautiful view." He said, standing in front of the windows behind his desk.

"It indeed is." I said, standing next to him.

The sun had just came up, and the city was starting to wake up slowly. We where one of the tallest buildings, so we could see over everything. The entire company building had glass windows covering the walls, so the view was good everywhere.

"Well, I guess I should show you the rest of the building." I said, walking to the door.

"Lead the way Sugar."

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