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Oikawa's Pov:

Suga was dressed in a white, short skirt, black fishnet tights under them, and pastel pink, high heeled boots. He was wearing a pastel pink criop top, which was tight to the body and it said ‘Sugar’ on it, and a white chocker around his neck. He had 2 butterfly clips on his hair, and he spilled happily torwards my car.

( Thank you thebadasschanel  for helping me with the outfit colours.)

I tried to calm myself down as I opened the door from the inside so he could get in. He sat down quickly and got his seatbelt on. 

"Looking good Sugar." I said, whistling. 

“T-thanks.” He mumbled, blushing.
“You look good too.”

“Thanks. Well, what you wanna do first? Bar, or driving around?” I asked, starting the car back up.

“Hmm, bar.” He said, smiling.

“Alright, your wish is my command.” I said, smiling and driving down to the main center of the city.

The main center of the city had the best bars, including my favourite, Devil's Night. An old friend of mine works there at night, and he is the one I want to take over the open model space at the company. I drove rather quickly, and when we got to the bar, I parked and helped Suga out of the car.

We walked to the door, and I opened it for him. Inside, the bar was dark like always, except for the LED lights that surrounded it. There whrr people dancing, the DJ was playing music like always, and there was the bar, packed with people. I spotted who I wanted to see, and quickly walked towards that part of the bar, with Suga following behind me. I told Suga to sit in the free stool, and I just leaned on the counter.

“Yo Teru!” I said, catching the worker's attention.

The fake blonde quickly walked towards me, and smiled brightly.

“Hey dude.” He said, half hugging me from the other side of the counter.
“Came to get a drink?”

“Yeah, like always.” I said, and then I wrapped an arm around Suga's shoulders.“ This is Suga. He's my secretary and my new friend.”

“Nice to meet you!” Terushima said, smiling at him.

“Same goes to you.” Suga said, smiling back.

“Oh mentioning work, how are you handling the company aye?” Terushima asked, making two beers.

“Its going good. Gets stressful at times, but I have Suga.” I said, as he gave us both a beer.

“Thats cool. Sorry that you have to deal with his annoying ass all day long.” Terushima said, laughing.

“Its ok, I'm used to it already by now.” Suga said, laughing aswell.

I brought a hand to my chest dramatically but they only laughed even harder. I ended up laughing with them.

“Oh Teru, I'm here to give you some good news. There's a model space at the company, if you want, it's yours.” I said, drinking my beer.

“Really? I'd love that man, but I don't know if I'm cut out to be a model.” He said, scratching the back of his neck.

“You've got the looks, and you seem to be ok body wise. So I'd say your cut out to be a model. The only person who could really see if he is would be Yama.” Suga explained, drinking his beer.

“That's true. Tell you what Teru, on Monday, come to the company and we'll see.” I said, smiling.

“Thanks bro!" He said, patting my back.

I nodded, drank the rest of my beer, and then I decided to leave the bar. Suga and I waved Terushima goodbye, and then we walked to the door. I saw one of the guys inside the bar, who was leaning near the door, look at Suga. He smiled and I felt overprotectiveness fill every corner of my body. I protectively wrapped my arm around Suga as we left the bar. When we stepped outside, we got back into the car and I opened the windows of the car.

“Lets go for a drive around the city?” I asked, starting the car.

“Yes! Can I put music on?” Suga asked, looking at me.

I nodded and gave him my phone, which was already connected to the speakers in the car. He opened my phone and the first song that played was ‘505.’ Suga put his arm out of the window as I sped up through the city roads. It was beautiful. All the city lights, the roads empty of people, most shops closed. It was rare to see such a busy city, so quiet and peaceful.

Suga's Pov:

It was amazing how beautiful the city was. It's lack on cars, people, movement. Its small moments like these that make me feel special. I'm someone small, in this huge world but today, as I travel through the city, illuminated with city lights, in a fast car, I feel special.

There is nothing prettier than a city at 1am, with its empty streets and cold wind.” I said, sticking my upper body out of the window.

I looked at Oikawa as he nodded and smiled widely. I looked ahead of me, at the light up road, at the buildings towering over us, and smiled genuinely. I then looked back at Oikawa, who was busy looking ahead at the road, and I smiled again. In that moment, as Oikawa's eyes clashed with mine, I saw Oikawa as much more than just a friend, and he smiled at me, because he knew.


We had driven around the city until 2am. We then decided to travel to a near by beach and watch the stars. Oikawa had given me his leather jacket as we sat down on the sand.
Oikawa had an arm around my shoulders, and my head was on his shoulder. The wind was cold, but it came and went, so it wasn't a big bother. I could only really focus on the beautiful night sky, the huge ocean and Oikawa.

“Oikawa, you won't leave me right?” I asked, leaning into him.

“Of course not.” He said. “Why you asking that Sugar?”

“I just... Whenever I get attached to people they always leave. I told you about Daichi, and how we we've together for a while. Yet, I don't think he ever loved me. He just liked the fact that I loved him and that I would do anything for him. I was naive, and dumb, but I'm older now, and I know me and him are nothing anymore. What I'm trying to say is, I'm scared to lose you just like I lost so many people in my life.” I explained, my eyes tearing.

“Sugar..” Oikawa said, pulling me slowly into his lap.

We where facing eachother, and he wiped away the tears falling from my eyes with his thumbs. He cupped my face in his hands, and looked deep into my soul with those soft, brown eyes. Those eyes, they fucked me over. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he caressed my cheeks with his thumbs.

“I won't leave, I promise. You have me until every last star in the galaxy dies; you have me.”

I felt myself melt in his hands as he said that. The wind blew, and we slowly got closer to eachother. After a few seconds I could feel his breath on my face, and before I could process anything, his lips crashed onto mine. I closed my eyes slowly and leaned in deeper into the kiss. He slipped his hands down to my waist and I wrapped my arms round his neck. The kiss deepened, and I felt as if the world around us didn't exits.

The feeling of being in his arms, with my fingers entwined in his hair and the soft touch of his hands on my hips, could not be put into words. I can, however, tell you it's where I belong. It's in those arms that I feel at home.

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