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Oikawa's Pov:

"Dad, how do I look?" Bella asked, walking into my room.

"You look like a princess." I said, tightening up my tie.

"I'm papa's princess!" She said, hugging my leg.

I picked her up and twirled us both around.

"Yes, you are!" I said, pinching her nose softly.

"She is also grandad's princess." My dad said, walking into the room.

I handed her over to him while I put my suits jacket on. I then turned to the mirror and made sure I looked ok. I was wearing a simple, black suit. I looked at my hair to make sure it was good before turning back to my dad and Bella.

"I think we can go now." I said, grabbing my phone.

Dad nodded and started to walk out. I followed him downstairs and we started to put our shoes on. I then grabbed my keys and opened my door. We all stepped out and then I locked the door.

"Bella, you want to go in grandad's car or dad's car?" My dad asked, putting Bella down.

"I'll go with papa." She said, hugging my leg.

"Alright. Drive behind me Tooru." Dad said, before walking into his car.

I nodded and got Bella into the back seat of my car. After she was settled down, and walked around the car and got in the drivers seat. I turned my car on, and drove behind my dad.

After around 20 minutes, we got to this big, fancy-looking building. There were a lot of cars around already, and I parked next to my dads. I stepped out and then helped Bella out too.

"Alright Tooru. We will go in, and I'll introduce you to the most important people." Dad said, straightening up his tie.

I nodded and held Bella's hand so she wouldn't walk off. We walked towards the building and stepped inside, it was a big ballroom-like room. There where tables, food and drinks everywhere. There where also a lot of people. I sighed as dad lead us through the place. Some people stopped him, of course, and I was already tired of it all. This is going to be a long night.


Suga's Pov:

"Hey guys!" I said, walking towards Yamaguchi's, Atsumu's and Kita's table.

"Hey." They all said back.

I sat down with Yamaguchi and we all started to talk about the most random things. We where having a good time, but then Yachi came to sit with us with a terrified look on her face.

"What's wrong Yachi?" I asked, a worried look on my face.

"I came across our boss and his son." She said, drinking one of the drinks that was on the table.

"And?" Atsumu asked.

"His son is atleast 6'0! You know I'm terrified of tall people." Yachi said, sinking into her seat.

"Seriously? You made me worried over that? You're literally besties with Asahi, and he's huge." I said, narrowing my eyes at her.

She frowned and kept drinking. I sighed and turned to Kita.

"I didn't even know boss had a son." Kita said.

"Same!" Yamaguchi said, looking around curiously.

"Who are you looking for?" I asked, patting his shoulder.

"I'm looking for boss and his son, you know I'm curious!" Yamaguchi said.

"I found boss." Atsumu said, pointing at the small stage in the big room.

We all looked over in unison and watched as Mister Oikawa stepped up. However, there was no sign of anyone with him...He then cleared his throat, and caught everyone's attention.

"I'm glad everyone was able to come today, I know it was in very short notice. It's important though, it's not everyday that after 30 years of being in charge of this company, I resign." He started." I've been thinking about doing so for a while, but I had to wait to find the right person to do so. I know lots of you are curious to know who it is, but before that, I want to thank everyone. This company has been my second home for lots of years, and you all have been like family. From the photography people, to the models, to the design creators, to the secretaries. I'm proud to have worked with all of you." He said, pointing at people as he went through the different positions in the company.

I looked around to see lots of people where crying, including Yamaguchi, Yachi and Atsumu. I looked at Kita and he just laughed. I then turned back to the speech, when he mentioned the new boss.

"Finally, the new boss. Here, at this moment, I give my position to my son, Oikawa Tooru. I'm positive you will all welcome him well." He said, turning to the side of the stage and signalising for someone to come up.

Everyone clapped as a young man with brown hair stepped up. Yachi was right, he was quite tall, well compared to his small dad he was. As the claps died down, the young man stepped in front of the microphone.

"I'm not good with speeches, I'll tell you that all now." He said, smiling.

Laughter sounded through the room, but I was too busy looking at the new boss to even register anything he was saying. I was too focused on his brown, soft looking hair, his big and tall body, that seemed to be very well defined and muscly, his handsome face, and that perfect fucking smile. Great, I'm already crushing on the new boss.

"Well, I'm super excited to be able to work with you all. Thank you." The new boss said, before leaving the stage with his dad.

Everyone clapped, and so did I, as they both disappeared back into the crowd. I turned to the table again, where my friends where busily eating.

"No joke, I actually thought that guy was going to be a new model." Yachi admitted.

"Same, he looks like a model." Yamaguchi said.

"True!" Atsumu also said.

"He seems ok." Kita said, drinking some water.

"Well, you guys have fun eating. I need to go try and find someone." I said, getting up.

They waved and I started to walk around, trying to find my old boss. I just wanted to say goodbye again before I went home. I was walking through the crowd of people, when my hand was grabbed. I looked down and saw a little girl, who had very similar features to the new boss.

"Are you ok?" I asked, kneeling in front of her so I could be at her height.

"N-no, I lost papa." She mumbled, squeezing my hand.

"I'll help you find your papa. What does he look like?" I asked, pulling us away from the big crowd.

"He has brown hair and brown eyes like me. His tall, and he is wearing a black suit." She said, putting her arms up." Can you carry me?"

"Of course." I said, picking her up. "Lets start looking, ok?"

She nodded and we started to walk around. I'm almost sure she has something to do with the new boss.


Oikawa's Pov:

Fuck, I'm so irresponsible! I told Bella not to move from where I left her, but she did move. It isn't her fault though, its mine, I left her alone.

I was getting more panicked as the moments passed by, but relief washed over me as I spotted her talking to a nice, looking man. As I walked towards them quickly, I admired the mans looks. He had soft-looking silver hair, and a small mole next to his eye. His eyes looked honey brown, and he had a kind smile. He looks like an angel...

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