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Suga's Pov: 

It was that rude maid, Shinya. I smiled warmly and let her walk in. She greeted me with a sickly smile and a cold look. 

"I'm surprised to see you here." She said, taking her shoes off. 

"Well, I live here now so, you'll be seeing me a lot." I said, smiling at her. 

"Living here? Since when? Why?" She asked, widening her eyes. 

"Since yesterday. Its also really none of your concern. Just please do your job." Oikawa said, from behind me. 

I hadn't realised he had came downstairs yet, so I jumped slightly at his voice. 

"Yes Sir." She said, walking past us quickly. 

"I don't like her..." I admitted, remembering what she told me the first time me met. 

"Neither." Bella said, coming from the living room. 

"She might not be very nice, but she needs to be here. I work now, I can't look over you pumpkin." Oikawa said, picking Bella up. 

"Why can't I look after her?" I asked, putting my shoes on. 

"You work as well, Suga." Oikawa said, grabbing his car keys. 

"Yeah, no shit but Bella could spend the hours after school at the company. She won't bother us." I suggested, as we walked into the garage. 

"True." Oikawa said, opening the car." Would you like that Bella?" 

"Of course I would!" She said, as I helped her put her seatbelt on. 

"Alright, we will talk about it later." Oikawa said, starting the car after I got inside the passenger seat. 


I was busy getting work started when I got a call from Yachi, the receptionist of the company. I picked it up and she said someone called Terushima is here to talk to Oikawa. I remembered the fake, blonde from the bar, and told her to let him come up. When he arrived at our floor, someone else was with him. An average, height man, with an extremely muscly body. 

"Hey! Suga right?" The fake blonde said, walking towards my desk. 

"Yes. Terushima right?" I asked, standing up. 

"Yup! This is Iwaizumi." He said, pointing behind him. 

"Nice to meet you. Oikawa has told me about you." Iwaizumi said, shaking my hand and smiling. 

"Nice to meet you too." I said, smiling back. "Well, come on, Oikawa must be waiting for you two." 

They nodded and we walked to Oikawa's office door. I knocked on it, and I opened it after I heard Oikawa say, 'come in' from the inside. 

We all stepped inside, and Oikawa stood up as he realised who it was. 

"Teru, Iwa-chan, it's great to see you!" He said, bring both males into a hug. 

"Same  Oiks!" Terushima said, patting his back forcefully. 

"Let go shittykawa, I need to breathe." Iwaizumi said, in a grumpy voice. 

Oikawa let them both go, and then we all sat down. 

"So, Teru, if you want the model job, it's yours." Oikawa said, putting the contract I had printed earlier in front of the blonde. 

"Of course I do, better then working at a bar." He said, signing it. 

"Iwa-chan, you still want the model trainer job?" Oikawa asked, handing him the contract. 

"Sure. You know it's my dream job." Iwaizumi said, signing the contract. 

"Perfect!" Oikawa said, leaning back on his chair. "Suga, can you show they around and explain everything?" 

"Of course." I said, getting up from my seat. "Lets go." 

We all said bye to Oikawa and then I took them to the photography floor. At this time, Yamaguchi should be taking pictures for the month magazine. 

When we got there, I was indeed correct. Yamaguchi, and some other workers, where busily preparing the photos set for the next photography shoot. 

"Yams!" I called, catching the freckled boys attention. 

"Oh, hey Suga! Need anything?" He asked, turning to me fully. 

"No. I'm here to introduce you to the new model." I said, and Yamaguchi's interest peeked. 

"Is it one of them?" He asked, pointing behind me. 

I looked back, and signalized for Terushima to walk forward. He did so, and stretch out a hand for Yamaguchi to take. 

"I'm Terushima, pleasure to meet you!" He said, as Yamaguchi shook his hand. 

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Yamaguchi." Yama said, a small tint of red on his face, and smiling as their hands retreated back. 

"Well, I'll leave you in Yamaguchi's hands." I said, waving them goodbye. 

I told Iwaizumi to follow me, and I took them to the gym floor. When we got there, a few models where working out. I spotted the oldest model, Bokuto, and slowly walked towards him. 

"Boku?" I asked, catching the mans attention. 

"Hey Suga!" He said, wiping his sweat off with his towel." Need anything?" 

"No. I'm just here to say we have employed a trainer to help all the models stay fit." I explained, as I signalized for Iwaizumi to step forward. 

"Nice! I'm Bokuto, but some call me Boku." He said, patting Iwaizumi's back. 

"I'm Iwaizumi, nice to meet you." Iwa said, smiling weakly. 

"Well, I'll leave him in your hands." I said, waving goodbye at the males.

They said goodbye and then I made my way to my floor. I got back to my desk, and started to work. I didn't get fat though, because I got another call from Yachi. She said there was a woman who said she knew Oikawa, so she let her up. I said thanks to Yachi and waited for said woman. After a few minutes, a beautiful, blonde woman with bright, green eyes stepped out of the elevator. She then walked to me and smiled bitterly.

“Hello. I'm here to talk to Oikawa Tooru.” She said.

“Ok. What relationship do you have with him? I can't let you go in without telling him about who you are.” I explained, grabbing a piece of paper.

“I'm Laura, and I'm Oikawa's girlfriend.”

Author's Note:

Is Laura saying the truth? Is she Oikawa's girlfriend? Was Oikawa lying to Suga about being single? How will Suga react?

Find out in the next chapter. :)

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