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Suga's Pov:

"What did you call me?" I asked, as my face went red. 

"Oh, I'm sorry! Its that, Bella kept calling you that. I'll stop if you want." He said, as we walked into the elevator. 

"I-It's ok, my friends call me that anyway." I said, stepping inside the elevator. 

"So I'm your friend?" He asked, standing next to me. 

"N-no, well...Where do you want to go first boss?" I asked, changing the subject. 

"Hmm, we'll just go down in order." He said, clicking on the button to the floor under ours. 

"Makes sense." I said. 


"That's it." I said, as we went back up to our floor. 

"That was a great tour. You where very good at it." He said, patting my shoulder. 

"Right, thanks." I said, the feeling of his big hand on my shoulder making me tense up.

"Well, we have a meeting soon don't we?" He asked, as we stepped out of the elevator. 

"In about 30 minutes." I said, looking at my watch. 

"Alright, that's perfect. I'm going to go get on with work." He said, walking to his office door. 

"Let me know if you need help with anything sir." I said, walking to my desk. 

"Sure thing." He said, before the big door closed. 

I sat down on my chair, and sighed deeply. I've toured plenty of people around the company before but that was the one I was most nervous about. Yes because he was the new boss but, the problem was how nervous and shy I fucking get around him. I mean, who wouldn't. He literally looks more attractive then anyone else in world. (Except my beautiful readers.) 

Ugh, stop stressing over him Suga. Yes, he is your new boss, but you can avoid him, right? Fuck, no I can't I literally am his secretary. I harshly put my head down on my desk and think my life over. This is going to be torture, actual torture. 


The first day of the meeting is over, and the visitor has just left. I was busily looking over the problems in the company before knocking on bosses door. 

"Come in!" He said, from inside the office. 

I breathed in deeply before walking in. I closed the door behind me, and I was thankful that he was still sitting at the meeting table. 

"Sir, I have to discuss with you some minor problems in the company." I said, sitting opposite him. 

"Right, also drop the 'Sir' sugar." He said, chuckling. 

"Right well, one of our male models has suffered from an accident and he can not work anymore. What should we do Oikawa?" I explained, my cheeks glowing from the nickname like always. 

"Right well, I know someone who would love this job." Oikawa said, looking as he was deep thinking. 

"Ok. The gym trainer for the models has also quit. We need one to keep the models in healthy shape as soon as possible." I explained. 

"I have someone perfect for the job. I'll contact them, don't worry." He said, grabbing his phone. 

"Ok Si- Oikawa, I'll be leaving now." I said, getting up and leaving. 

As soon as I was out of that office, I made myself a strong cup of coffee. I don't know how I'm going to survive having to work with him all day long. He would be everyone's dream man. God, why have you done this to me? 


"Hey." I said, as I sat down at Yamaguchi's table.

"Hey Suga!" He said, smiling. 

"Where's Kita?" I asked, biting into my apple. 

"He is doing something with Atsumu. Apparently Atsumu needs some encouragement and fun before modelling." Yamaguchi explained, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Well, let them do their thing." I said, laughing. 

"Oh, how's the new boss? Is he strict? Or is he fun? He was super nice to me and everyone else earlier." He asked, eating his pasta. 

"He's really nice and he won't let me call him sir, he wants me to call him by his name." I admitted, drinking some water. 

"That's nice of him. Do you like working with him? Is he like a good boss?" Yamaguchi asked. 

"Yama, I've only worked with him for like 4 hours. But, he is a good boss. He already solved the problems with needing a new male model and the models athletic trainer." I said. 

"I see most of the women are going to work more now. They are all over him already." Yamaguchi said, looking behind me. 

I curiously looked behind me and found a disturbing sight. All the women workers where trying to talk and get Oikawa's attention. I felt a bit of jealousy at the sight for some reason so I looked back at Yamaguchi. Like always, Yamaguchi saw right through me, so his eyes widened as he realised what I was feeling. 

"Oh shit! You like him, don't you?" He asked, leaning in. 

"What!? No! I've only known him for a day Yama. Yes, he is attractive, but I don't like him." I said, my cheeks going a light shade of pink. "Besides I'm with Daichi." 

"I still can't believe you haven't left Daichi. He's so mean and abusive to you." He said, in an angry tone. 

"He's ok. I-I should go back to work. Bye." I said, getting up. 

Yamaguchi waved goodbye and I walked to the elevator. After Daichi came up in the discussion, I felt my mood drop. I lazily clicked on the button to my floor and melted in my chair at my desk. I do really want to leave Daichi, I really want to, but I can't. I'm too scared, to terrified to do so. I know Daichi won't let me. I know this is wrong, and I know I can ask peopled for help but I don't want to. I don't want to be a bother. But I have to do something. If I don't get away from Daichi and heal myself; I'll bleed on people who didn't cut me.

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