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A/N: To those of you who didn't catch on, Jasmine is Jay. The same Jay that Stefan is going to marry.

PS: This chapter has TWO mini flashbacks instead of just one.


A ghostly smile was on her face as she looks at herself in all three mirrors looking at all angles of herself. It was beautiful and the compliments from her entourage told as such too.

If she was honest with herself, Bonnie never thought that she'd be back here again; looking for wedding dresses. She was getting married in a month and she didn't know how time went by all so fast. One day she was picking out a date and now everything is done and the last thing that she needed to cross out was the dress. This dress, she thought, was the one.

It was perfect. It was studded and the skirt had the right amount of poof that had her feeling like a princess. Her smile grew wider and tears filled her eyes as the veil was placed on her head and the only word that escaped her mouth was; yes.


Raina smiled at her mother letting tears of her own flow. At first she was disappointed that her plan was a complete fail, but seeing her mother so happy, probably the happiest that she's ever seen her be, the plan meant nothing.

She was glad that Damon started to make an effort on getting to know her. They spent time together when her mother was busy planning the wedding and she hated to say it, but she now looked at Damon like a second dad. They made pizzas, watched movies, and played video games and just talked- mostly making fun of her mother and just about life and the future. She noticed that he brought up the topic of kids and how she would feel having a brother or sister. She appreciated that he actually asked her making her know that Damon knew that he wasn't just marrying her mother but her too.

Things with her actual dad were different. She hated to compare but she did. With her mother, they had a conversation about her marrying Damon but with her father, he didn't even ask for her permission. She would've agreed, but the way that he just sprung it on her without the least bit hinting to her that he was going to propose to Jay or that she was even back in the picture caught her so off guard. She feels like ever since their engagement happened, they've spent less and less time together.

She felt distant with Jay too because she was always preparing for the wedding and even though she knew her for two years prior, they spent a good amount of time apart when she broke up with her father and she could tell that she was a different woman. On the outside, she was exactly the same, but on the inside, she had more of a spark to her.

Usually when her mother would pick her up, if Jay was around, she would smile or say hello, but now she acted completely cold. Her mother didn't seem to mind at all, but she minded. She tried to talk to her father about it but he was so bias telling her that Jay was just stressed so she went to Damon and he made the situation better. She somewhat hates how close she's gotten to Damon because her relationship with her father had drifted dramatically and she needed to figure out a plan on how to repair it.


Stefan smiled watching her look like a chicken with its head cut off searching for something. She told him what it was but he was so captivated by his fiancé that he didn't hear. He was glad that things were going great between them and that he was getting married in a few weeks. He couldn't wait to watch her walk down the aisle just to stay in his arms. He was happy and the slight smile on his face never seemed to leave and he didn't expect it to leave anytime soon.

He was proud of himself. Bonnie only entered his mind every now and then instead of every second of every hour of every day and he was proud that he was finally able to move on. The wedding seemed to take up a lot of the space in his head and with that plus all the attention that Jay was giving him, he didn't have time to think of his ex-wife.

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