Chapter 11

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Stefan fanned himself turning up the AC in the car as he waited for school to end. It was getting hotter by the day and he hated it. He didn't mind the heat, but it was how the girls dressed and by girls he means Raina.

Bonnie was the same way, when they were married and even before then. Once the hot sun shined over the month of June, she would break out the shorts and tiny dresses and he would have to deal with men looking at his girl in such ways. He almost got into a fist fight with one guy and would've kicked the guys ass if Bonnie didn't push him back moving him away from the other guy. He told her that he hated dealing with that every time they would leave the house but she didn't seem to get his clue when she never changed her summer attire.

Unlike with Bonnie, Stefan could actually tell Raina what she could wear and what she couldn't wear, so when she came downstairs that morning in shorts, he told her to change into capris instead. She stomped all the way up the stairs and mumbled probably nasty things on her way too, but when he saw her again she was in capris and Stefan had a reason to smile that morning.

He thanked God hearing the bell ring signaling the last day of school and watched as kids left the building with smiling faces. Stefan spotted his baby girl then turned his head away when he saw her and Joe kiss. That was the last thing that he wanted to see and even though he approves of their relationship, that was still his baby girl and he didn't want her kissing anyone that isn't blood related.

"How was your last day?" Stefan asks as she gets into the car.

"Boring. We usually have parties in our classes but I guess they forgot to plan it."

"Well that sucks, so you basically did nothing all day?"

She nodded. "Pretty much."

Stefan frowned thinking that he could've let her skip the last day but figured they were doing something important.

"Well anyway, like always, I have a vacation planned for us." Raina smiled over at him. "And since I'm such a cool dad and I love you very much, I've decided that if you want, you can invite Joe along."


He nodded, "Yep. I've booked our hotel we leave next week and we're staying there for a week, so if you invite him tell him that."

Raina nodded and was eager to get home to tell Joe the good news. Stefan smiled at the look on her face but a deep part of him wished that she would deny the idea and be like It's okay, dad, I just want to spend my time with you, but he knew that that wouldn't be the case. He smiled when she hopped out of the car practically running into the house and she even closed the door in his face. He stood there just thinking and let out a sigh before opening the door and going into his office.


Bonnie frowned. She really should've gotten a cat. Usually it was her week with Raina but since it's June, Stefan cares for her the whole month but a smile was brought to her face when she thought that in just four weeks, she could care for Raina for the whole month. She knew that Stefan would take her on a little vacation so she figured that she wouldn't hear from them in a while but hoped that they would at least call to check in.

Bonnie rolled off the couch hearing the doorbell ring and when she opened the door, surprised was an understatement when she saw her guest.

She was speechless for a second. "Hi! What a surprise!"

"Yeah, I figured I drop by and see how you're doing."

"Thank you. Oh, would you like to come in?"

She nodded and stepped in Bonnie was wide eyed as she walked passed her and Bonnie closed the door slowly after looking out to see if anyone else was going to pay her a surprise.

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