Chapter 19

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This was the day. He was getting married to the woman that he loves and this time he hoped that it would last for the rest of his life. He looked at himself in the mirror with his suite and told himself that he looked good because he did.

He hated to compare the two, but he thinks back to when he was in this same position but about to marry Bonnie. He was more nervous and jittery then but now he's calm and still a bit nervous but not as much.

As Bonnie was walking down the aisle looking like the most beautiful woman ever, he was in tears but was trying his best to smile through it causing her to be teary eyed as well, but now he's dried-eyed but a smile was greatly on his face with his head swinging left and right gawking at Jay's gorgeousness. She looks beautiful and sexy all at the same time. The dress hugged her waist and exposed her cleavage an appropriate amount and her hair was up exposing the neck that he oh-so loves to kiss.

With Bonnie, they decided to write their own vows, but with Jay, they simply repeated what the pastor had told them to say. He liked it better that way, writing vows was probably the hardest thing that he's ever had to write and when he did decide on vows that were worthy enough, he ended up not using them at all and just speaking what was on his heart at the time. It put both girls to tears either way and when Stefan was done repeating, he wiped Jay's tears away and smiled at her wanting to kiss her but remembered that he had to wait until the end to do that.

The one thing that he simply couldn't compare was the kiss. Kissing Bonnie took him back in time. Her lips were a time machine taking him back to when he was a little kid thinking that he was a big kid. Every time he would kiss her, he travels back to when they kissed for the very first time. When he kissed her, he saw her face full of surprise then her blushing then smiling.

Kissing Jay made him appreciate the now- the present. Kissing her gave him a rush and always made his heart beat fast when he pulled away. They're all smiles as the people cheered and Stefan took her hand in his and walked with her down the aisle as rice was being tossed in the air.

They took their photos on the open field just half a mile down from the church. They were separated for majority of the picture taking, but when they came together, Stefan lifted her in his arms and spun her around kissing her as the photographer worked his magic. They took a few more photos trying out different poses then they headed to the reception.


Raina, Avery, Caroline, and Elena all had faint smiles watching the two newlyweds share their first dance. It was nice seeing Stefan and Jay so happy and in love. They curled their lips more as they kissed and as Stefan dipped her as the song was coming to an end.

After that, Caroline pulled the girls on the dance floor as the DJ played an upbeat song and at first they protested but eventually they were on the floor dancing and having a good time. Raina was caught off guard when she was spun around but then broke out in laughter when she saw her dad dancing like an idiot. He smiled and took her hand in his and twirled her pulling her in closer to him.

He was taking Bonnie's advice and not forgetting about her, making room for his little girl and he figured that dancing was the best way to do that. When he was down and depressed months ago, she was there to dance with him making him feel better and even though she isn't down or depressed, he'd figure he'd pay her back for it. She is his favorite dance partner and just seeing her smile widely, her eyes sparkle, and her intoxicating laughter bought him so much joy that his heart swelled.

He was wrong before. He told Avery that he would never love anyone the way that he loves Bonnie, but the complete truth was that he would never love anyone the way that he loves Raina. He admits that he's not the best father out there, but he loves and cares about her so deeply. He can tell by just the way she breaths if something's wrong or not and whenever something was wrong he tried his best to fix it, whatever it was, just to see her be okay again. He loves her like no other and he hates that it took this long for him to realize, but he promises himself right then and there that he was going to make things right between them because he knew that they were slipping apart, but he was going to get her back. He was going to get his baby girl back.

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