Chapter 5

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Bonnie sighed and sat down from her pacing sitting down on the bench. She ran this conversation through her head hundreds of times and knew that however the conversation went that one factor will remain in any case scenario; she would break up with him. She figured it was inevitable so why not get it over with now before they got too attached.

Bonnie turned her head and stood when she heard Stefan's car pull up and shortly he got out and walked over to her smiling. She couldn't stop herself from smiling back but when Stefan kissed her, he knew that something was wrong.

"Please, sit down."

"Is everything okay?" Stefan asked sitting.

"Actually, no. I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm breaking up with you."

He was speechless for a second. "What? Why?"

"It's inevitable, Stefan. I think we should get it over with."

"But we were literally just talking about getting married and running away. W-where is this coming from?"

"We're just teenagers, we say things that we don't mean."

"I meant it, Bonnie. I'm finding a job so I can save for you, so I can save for us." He took her hand in his. "Please, just think about this. Whatever it is, we can work it out."

She shook her head, "I'm sorry, Stefan."

He watched her walk away and his heart weighted ten pounds dropping into his stomach as she pulled off. He hasn't cried in a long time but he wasn't surprised that the tears he shed were over her.

Stefan returned home that night thankful that his parents were out so he could raid the wine cellar. He's been calling Bonnie nonstop for the past hour thirty and she never once picked up. Popping the cork off the Moscato, he tilted the bottle back and let the light pink liquid spill in his mouth and down his pipe. He let out a breath and wiped his mouth with his shirtsleeve wanting something stronger. He headed towards the glass looking as if it was filled with water. The vodka burned his throat and he went into a coughing fit but he still drunk.

His head was pounding the next morning but that didn't stop him from putting the bottle up to his mouth taking a drink then twisting the cap back on placing it in his pocket. Driving drunk wasn't as bad as he thought, but when he got to school the brightness of it all burned his eyes and the teachers and bells were too loud. He then wished that he went the smoking route but he was already addicted to this taste.


Bonnie had been getting stares all day even from people that she didn't even talk to and she wondered what for. The answer to her question was founded when she entered English and the smell of alcohol was strong as she walked passed Stefan. His arm reached out but she walked by him a little too fast so he ended up grabbing nothing but air.

"I guess the break up really did a number on him, huh?" Caroline whispered in her ear.

Throughout class Bonnie couldn't concentrate. Stefan was the only thing on her mind and she never knew that he would drink his way through this but she summed it all up as him acting childish.

A month had passed and he seemed to be getting worse. He wouldn't show up for school and she was in a battle with herself wondering if she should call him but she never did because he wasn't her responsibility anymore.

It was three o'clock in the morning when her phone went off and even though she didn't want to, she picked up the phone and Stefan said that he didn't know where he was. She told him to look around and just say what he saw and based on what he told her, Bonnie knew exactly where he was. She made sure to take her parents' van so she could lay him in the back seats and quickly made her way to Stefan not wanting him to get hurt.

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