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"Louis, you need to! You don't have a choice! I have to go into the office today and I can't leave the girls home alone," Louis' mum told him earlier in the afternoon, picking up her bag before heading to the door. "And please take the twins to the store. They have a birthday party for their friend tomorrow and they need a present. I left money on the counter, love you!" she called before waltzing out the door. Louis gaped at where she once stood, and then huffed in annoyance. He grabbed his keys from the table and snatched the twenty euros he was left with.

"Daisy! Phoebe! C'mon mum told me to take you shopping!" he shouted up the stairs, and waited until he heard footsteps to put his own shoes and jacket on. Once he was met up at the door with the two young girls he ushered them out to the car, quickly getting in and driving off.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"We're just going into the next aisle over," Daisy told Louis before being pulled out of the aisle by her sister. Louis sighed and turned back to his phone, where his mum had just texted him to pick up a jug of milk since they were almost out. Though when he looked up to open the freezer in the store and grab one he spotted someone very familiar. Too familiar.

"Small town, Louis," he nodded, a smirk evident on his lips. "How's your boyfriend?" he asked, though anyone could tell that he truly did not care just by the tone of his voice.

"Shut up, Zayn," Louis answered, reaching and grabbing a jug of milk, looking down and biting his lip. "He's in the hospital," he mumbled, turning away from Zayn. He wanted to walk away and get away from the guy who hurt Harry, but he was held back.

"What do you mean, 'he's in the hospital'?" Zayn demanded, his hold on the collar of Louis' shirt. It caused Louis to gag, and he swatted the tall boys hand off of him.

"I mean he's in the hospital. He was already hurt enough. You saw what he did to his arms, Zayn. He hadn't eaten anything in a month making him unhealthy but then you and your jackass friends go and pick on him! He wouldn't do that to you if you were him, so why'd you do it?!" Louis scolded, getting angrier at the second. "You can't just go around beating people like they're your playdoll. He doesn't deserve any of this shit," Louis growled, face to face with the raven haired man. And for how short Louis was, Zayn was actually almost frightened a bit. He didn't know what had happened to Harry since he was suspended, but he didn't know he would be put in the hospital. He didn't like it. He still despised Harry, but he didn't like the fact that his input on something put someone in the hospital.

"I'm... sorry," he apologized half-heartedly.

"Yeah, thanks," Louis nodded stiffly, knowing he wasn't entirely sorry at all, before walking away when he had the chance. He met back with his sisters two aisles over, sighing when he saw them arguing over which toy to get. Louis was tired, though, so he just took both of them from their hands, and proceeded to the checkout.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"Mum, please!" Louis begged, leaning his head in his hand. His mother's voice was a bit blurry from the other side of the phone but he could still understand her.

"Why do you always have to insist on seeing him, Lou? I need you babysitting," she sighed.

Louis bit his lip, "He's different okay? I've told you about his condition. He just, doesn't particularly think people are capable of liking him or loving him. I don't want him to think I don't like him anymore. I do, but he can be easily persuaded. Especially if the uhm, voices, in his head tell him so," Louis explained, scratching the back of his neck hesitantly.

His mum grunted, "Jesus, is Lottie home?" she asked. "You can go only if Lottie is home to watch the girls. I have to go, I'll see you later, hun," she said and hung up before he could answer. Though he whipped up his text messages and texted his sister.

Louis: U home?

Lottie: In my room

Louis: Ok, ur babysitting I'm going to see a friend, leaving now

Lottie: Ugh fine

Louis grabbed the car keys and pranced outside, hopping into the car before driving off.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"I feel gross," Harry mumbled, rubbing the spot where the doctor had the IV in his arm, "I feel sweaty and dirty and gross. I hate hospitals," he declared, looking to the side to Louis, who was just smiling at him.

"I wonder why, Harry. You've been here for three days without being able to take shower. It doesn't surprise me," he pointed out, making Harry blush for the most unsuspected reason.

"Harry, when we get home I want you to take your pills and take a shower okay, love?" his mum asked, patting Harry's back gently. He nodded, looking down at the floor in front of him as he walked.

Louis had arrived at the hospital an hour before Harry was released. Harry was relieved. He had thought that because Louis didn't come around when he normally did that he didn't want to hang around Harry anymore. But he was proved wrong, which was something he was glad about.

The cold air hit them hard as the three walked outside the hospital. It was so cold- no, so freezing, that Louis thought his cheeks were going to fall off. But the thought dropped when he saw Harry, just his thin jumper blocking the cold. He looked cold, yes, but somehow he wasn't shivering with chattering teeth like the older boy was. He wasn't red nosed and scrunched up in his clothing, tugging at the sleeves to keep his hands warm. He looked relaxed, walking with his shoulders straight and his head up, the wind tussling his unruly curls around. His eyes weren't squinting from the wind. His body wasn't rigid from the temperature. His posture wasn't slouched and hunched over like it usually was. It amazed Louis a bit. He had always seen Harry so scared and insecure and uncomfortable with himself. Because he knew that the younger boy didn't like his tallness or the structure of his body. Though now in one of the most absurd places to be confident there he was, so sure of himself in the wild wind and weather. And Louis was so whipped just by the presence of this boy who he barely knew that he hadn't realized the voice talking to him. "W-What?" he sputtered, his eyes wide with confusion.

Harry blushed, and he was then hunched over again almost instantly feeling small and nervous when he saw the gaze that Louis had on him, "I-I just uhm, wanted to say goodbye," he said, finally managing to get it out. Louis sighed lightly, not totally wanting to leave Harry, but nodded.

"I'll see you in school then?" he asked, his eyebrows raised a bit.

"We have to wait a week or so, Louis, until he's back in school," Anne told him. He nodded again, and turned to Harry.

"Okay then, so I'll see you when you're back in school," Louis paused, glancing at Anne, "or maybe we could just hang out later this week?" he offered, a small smile on his lips.

Harry felt honored to be asked, because he only ever hung out with Liam these days after school. He didn't have any other friends besides Liam, and he wanted so badly for his and Louis' friendship to work out. He liked Louis too much to not be friends with him anymore. He helped him in school, kept him away from the bullies when he could, and most importantly he actually wanted to hang around him. So Harry nodded, and when his mum turned around, Louis leant up on his tip-toes, planting a light kiss on Harry's cheek. The younger boy's face felt on fire, and a grin spread into his lips as Louis backed away towards his car, telling him shyly that he would see him later.


Ugh that felt like forever. Idek what it was, sort of just a filler, there's more exciting things coming up tho

10 reads for an update

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