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It was only five minutes of sitting in the bathroom before Harry hauled himself up off of the floor. Instantly a pain shot through his head, and his stomach growled, but he pulled himself out into the hallway. Though before he barely even stepped out he bumped into Danielle, Louis' friend.

"Oh sorry, Harry, right?" she smiled, and he gulped, screwing his eyes shut as he nodded slowly. Danielle noticed that he was a bit off, and didn't like the fact that he looked even paler and sicker than he had been when she first saw him.

"Are you alright?" she asked quietly, reaching her hand out a bit.

Harry whimpered, sighing heavily. Because no, he wasn't alright. His head was spinning and he couldn't see without things whirling around and he felt weak and broken, and the voices were getting louder and louder. But he couldn't speak for some reason. He wasn't quick enough to even tell her no because before he knew it his vision was betraying him and he fell to the ground against the wall, unconscious.

"Oh my god!" Danielle shrieked. She looked around frantically, seeing if anyone was there. But everyone was still in the lunch room, and it was just her there. So she leaned down, feeling Harry's cheeks and forehead and shaking his shoulder, but he didn't waken.

"Louis!" she shouted, looking towards the cafeteria before running in and looking around. Once she spotted him she cupped her hands around her mouth to be louder. "Louis, come here!" she screamed.

Louis turned around, immediately frowning at the worried tone in his friend's voice. So he set his drink down before jogging over to her. She didn't even let him ask what was wrong before she pulled him into the hallway where Harry was passed out only a few feet away.

"Oh my god!" Louis gasped, instantly at the younger boy's side. He felt his neck, and sighed in relief when there was a pulse. "I-I, what happened?" he asked Danielle, who was standing behind him.

"I don't know! He came out of the bathroom and bumped into me and then he just fainted!" she exclaimed, her voice cracking. Because she had never been in a situation like this before, and no matter how many times you had to practice these types of drills in school, it was never the same when it actually happened.

Louis took Harry's face in his hands, frowning when his skin felt too hot. And he groaned, knowing that he should have just stuck with him when he left, and that he should have made him eat something or drink something.

"Uh c-call like an ambulance or the nurse or some shit, I don't know, just call someone, I'm taking him to the nurse," he told her, and wrapped his arms around Harry, picking him up and carrying him in his arms once again.

It wasn't until Louis turned around that he noticed the crowd around him. "Everyone, move!" he shouted, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by the situation, and he rushed past staring faces. He looked down at Harry as he walked quickly down the hall, admiring his bouncy curls and plump lips, even if they were pale and chapped.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"He's alright, right?" Louis asked, pacing back and forth in the nurse's office. Harry had been taken away only minutes before by an ambulance, and it wasn't until they showed up that he noticed Harry stir, most likely due to the loud sirens.

"Right?" Louis asked again, stopping to look at the nurse.

"I don't know, Louis. They just took him. I can promise that he won't die though. He wasn't in terribly severe condition," she responded, looking up from her desk.

"B-But that doesn't mean he will be fine. I mean, did you see him? He's so pale and small and skinny and beaten up and fragile. God so so so fragile I was afraid to touch him. He could break any second. He already goes through enough from what I know. The cuts on his arms aren't there just because he was bored. They obviously had to have meant something. And Zayn? He got bullied! He might of even gotten bullied at his other school. Zayns suspended but I wouldn't even be surprised if Sam still beats him up when I- Sam!" Louis growled, realizing something. He realized what happened, and although it might not have been the cause of Harry fainting, when he first brought the unconscious boy to the nurse's office, he saw red marks and the start of bruises on his stomach, obviously from today.

Louis stormed out of the office, weaving through the sea of kids on a search to find a certain person. It took a couple of minutes, but when he finally found him, Louis grabbed his arm, turning him around before swinging his arm around and punching him in the jaw. Sam stumbled backwards, catching himself, "How fucking dare you! You saw what Zayn did to him and you saw what happened to him! Yet you dare go out and beat him up again, god dammit!? He's in the hospital now! How the hell do you feel now huh?!" Louis screamed, holding Sam by holding his collar.

"Mr. Tomlinson!" he heard, and was pulled off of Sam by one of the sophomore science teachers.

"No! None of you understand!" he yelled, "none of you!" he shouted, his voice cracking at the end, "these dimwits beat him up and bully him! It's not just Zayn! None of you hardly even know who I'm talking about but some of you do and you don't understand what this poor boy goes through!" he exclaimed, a lump in his thought and tears prickling his eyes. "Let me go," he whimpered, ripping out of the teachers grip and jogging off. He didn't know what made him do any of that. He had never punched anyone or exploded on people like that until Harry came along, but he was glad he did, because in his mind, Sam deserved it.

Louis didn't know why he cared for Harry so much when they've hardly known each other for nearly two weeks, but he did. He felt some sort of responsibility for him during school to protect him. Though Louis had thought that he failed at that, and also had himself convinced that it was his fault his new friend was in the hospital. He broke down at the thought of that.

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