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Dedicated to adriehemmings bc she already read the first part in class to tell me if it was good or not and bc she's a butt


It was only what felt like hours instead of days that went by before Louis stood before his family in the airport. Harry was there too, of course, though within the short time period of knowing each other Jay already claimed the curly haired boy as "part of the family".

He wasn't sure of it, but Harry could feel something in his chest, whether it be from the kindness from Louis' mum or the fact that Louis was leaving for two weeks. He didn't know which, possibly both. But it suddenly didn't matter any longer once his eyes got caught up with the all too familiar blue ones in front of him.

"Louis," Harry mumbled, and took a step forward, towering over the smaller boy in a hug.

"I'll miss you, love," Louis sighed, and pulled away a bit to look at the younger boy, who just smiled faintly. And his smile just did something to Louis. It made him grin, and feel some type of way.

Louis cupped Harry's cheeks, his forehead pressing lightly against the younger boy's, "That damn smile," he shook his head a bit, "you are such an angel. And I'm going to call you that now. Even if it's cliche," he chuckled, and then leaned forward, kissing Harry gently. Harry kissed back of course, letting his arms naturally wrap around the older boy's waist.

"I'll call everyday and text you too. I think there's a bit of a time difference but I'll figure it out," Louis tilted his head, looking at Harry admiringly, "but don't you forget about me," he smirked jokingly. Harry however, knew that Louis was joking about him forgetting, but still couldn't help but shake his head in protest.

"I won't," he murmured, pecking Louis' lips again. Though as he was about to pull away Louis' hand settled on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Harry sighed in content, and tightened his grip on the boy's waist, holding him closer to his chest. Louis couldn't help it, and slid his tongue through Harry's lips, tangling his fingers in the ends of his curls.

"My angel," Louis whispered against his lips as he pulled away slightly, though he just ended up kissing him again.

"Louis," the taller boy hummed, pulling away and cupping his boyfriends cheek, "you have to go. They called your flight," he told him, to which Louis frowned, too caught up and distracted by Harry that he didn't notice the announcement.

"Okay," he sighed, and pulled Harry into a hug, holding him tightly and kissing his cheek over and over while the other boy just smiled at the gesture, and kissed Louis' shoulder, as it was the only thing he could reach without interrupting his boyfriend's cheek kisses.

"I'll see you soon," Louis told him, kissing him. And before Harry knew it, Louis was gone.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

"I miss him," Harry whined, cuddling into the corner of the couch, curling his cold toes into the cushion. It had only been a couple of hours since Harry had gotten home, though with Louis on a plane he couldn't text him or smile at the funny pictures he sent him, because he couldn't send any. He went onto his phone anyway and into the camera roll, about to search the suddenly large amount of pictures when he realized the suddenly large amount.

He smiled, seeing that Louis had spammed him with ridiculous, yet cute, pictures of him, and a couple videos, most likely from the span of those last three days. He pressed a video, and played it.

Louis frowns, "What the...?" he asks, "oh shit, I didn't want a video," he mumbles.

Harry can be heard in the background, "What're you doing?" he asks, and Louis looks to the side for a second.

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