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"Nu uh!" Louis exclaimed, gasping, "Taylor Swift is like, my girlfriend. She's amazing," he crossed his arms defensively, though laughed along with his friends, who knew that he wouldn't even consider being with her in real life. He didn't go that way. His lips did however twitch into a small smile when he saw a certain tall curly headed boy walking with his head down.

"I've got to go, I'll see you later," he said, standing up from the table and chasing after Harry, who didn't even see him coming. So when Louis placed his hand on Harry's shoulder he jumped, turning around with big eyes. Louis was a bit curious why Harry was always scared or frightened when someone touched him, but he didn't question it. He only knew the boy for two days now.

Harry sighed, gulping and pursed his lips, "Hi," Louis greeted, "you're not going to lunch?" he asked, not seeing any food with Harry.

But at the same time, Harry was thinking up an excuse for his intense "diet". "I-I uh, f-forgot it," he told him, scratching the back of his neck.

"You're allowed to buy the alternate lunch even if you don't have money," Louis offered, not catching onto the fact that Harry couldn't eat.

Don't let him make you eat, Harry. You shouldn't be eating. You're already fat enough

Harry sighed, "Uh, I-It's okay," he said quietly, looking down and shuffling his feet. Louis bit his lip, and nodded curtly.

"Okay, at least come to lunch with me? Are you a junior or senior?" he asked, because he hadn't thought about what grade Harry had been in. He just knew that he wasn't in any of his classes and that he had the same lunch as him.

"Uh, w-well I got m-moved up a y-year so I'm a J-Junior," he answered embarrassed, because he was scared that Louis would think of him as a nerd who was worthless. According to his old bullies he was, and they also thought he was a freak and a geek. He thought Louis would agree with them and that his only acquaintance in this strange new school would bully him just like the others.

"Really? That's cool. That happened to one of my friends before. He got moved up a grade, I mean," Louis smiled, making Harry's eyes widen a bit in surprise that he hadn't thought like the others. "What?" the older boy asked, but Harry just shook his head. "No tell me!" Louis chuckled, grabbing his wrist. Harry winced, and pulled his arm back, his eyes screwed shut and lips pursed as the pain went down. "I-I'm sorry. I-I don't know what I did," Louis muttered to him, his smile faltering and his eyes building up with guilt, even though he didn't know what he had done.

"I-I just uhm, got a b-bruise there," he lied, letting his eyes fall to the ground, "I-I'm just, gonna go," he whispered, his voice cracking at the end. Harry walked off, keeping his head down so that no one would see the slight tears in his eyes. Once he got to the abandoned hallway, though, he sighed, and a couple of tears fell out as his back slid down the wall.

He's gonna find out. He's gonna find out about my ugly wrists and notice my fat stomach and chubby arms and thighs. And the voices in my head that make me go crazy. He's going to notice every imperfection about me and stay away from me. And he should, I don't deserve to have friends. Not even Liam, who I haven't seen in three days now. I don't deserve anything.

These thoughts ran through Harry's head as he silently cried, pushing on his cuts without noticing. The next thing he knows, the cuts open back up and he's bleeding. Though what is worse, is that he liked the feeling of bleeding or being hurt, because Harry wanted to hurt. He didn't think he deserved any of the things he had and punished himself for it. When in reality he hadn't done a thing wrong.

"Hey what's the queer doing out here crying?" asked a somewhat familiar voice, that just made Harry whimper and pull his knees to his chest. "Get up, freak!" he exclaimed, grabbing Harry by the collar.

"N-No, st-stop," he begged, tucking his arm deep into his sleeve.

"Funny, you think after yesterday I'm going to let you go? You're a mutant to this school. Nobody wants you here," he growled, grabbing his arm with his free hand. Harry cried out, sobbing in pain. Though the boy whom Harry still didn't know his name, squeezed his arm, making his cuts sting.

"St-Stop! Please! I- agh!" he shouted, feeling a punch to his jaw. Harry was continued to be beaten and tortured with words and actions. Usually he would call for Liam, but he wasn't there.

"L-Louis!" he screamed, the only name he knew in the building, the only person who had talked to him. The only person who would help.

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