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Louis was in the hospital, sitting in the waiting room with his friend, waiting nervously for Anne to arrive and the nurse to come out and tell him that his boyfriend was okay. Louis was a nervous wreck, almost breaking into a fit of tears each time he thought about what he had witnessed, because it was scary. The scariest thing he had ever experienced. To feel that heartbeat going so slow, slow enough that he may not have felt it against Harry's chest, not to mention that the person's heart that was slowing just happened to be his boyfriend. His Harry. His angel.

"Louis!" his head snapped up, and he saw Anne running towards him. He quickly got to her, and took her into a hug, where he started crying again. "Is he okay? Where is he?" she asked, looking around frantically with tear filled eyes.

Louis just sighed, and wiped his eyes, "I don't know, he's in a room a couple doors down but they won't let me in. I thought he was alive when I found him but they haven't told me anything," he spoke, his voice cracking in the end. He watched Anne, as she let out a heavy breath, and wiped her face. Though she was stronger than he was, and could tell that he was going to break down, so she embraced him in a hug, and rubbed his back soothingly as tears slowly wet her cheeks. Louis broke down crying again, "It was so sc-scary, Anne," he sobbed, "I l-love him s-so m-much, I ca-can't live w-without h-him," he cried, digging his head into Anne's shoulder.

She shushed the boy, and even though she wanted to cry, she almost smiled, "You love him?" she asked, to which Louis pulled back at, and wiped his nose.

"With all my h-heart, yes," he said, "I just hadn't gotten to t-tell him yet," he sighed, "I wish I did."

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

For some reason it was hours later, possibly two or three, that the crowd waiting outside had gotten the news of Harry being alive. The statement made Louis cry on the spot, knowing that his angel was okay, that he hadn't lost him forever. Niall got emotional for their friend, and hugged him whilst he cried. Anne cried tears of joy with Gemma with her husband by her side, while Danielle got happy and teary eyed, hugging the closest person near her, who happened to be Liam, though he didn't mind. Louis' mum was there as well, comforting her son while the other girls were at home, not quite knowing the situation.

Anne, Robin, and Gemma got to go in to see Harry after that, and stayed there for twenty minutes until the boy had finally awoken. They weren't in there very long, though when Louis saw Anne walk out last he had a faint smile on her lips, and motioned for Louis to go in, knowing that he deserved to go inside and see his boyfriend.

So he did, and much like the other times he visited Harry in the hospital he was nervous and scared. Though seeing his beloved boyfriend laying on the bed, pale faced, freshly cut arms and bruises, with a sad look in his eyes, made him want to switch places with the boy in an instant.

"Harry," he whispered, and rushed to the bed, taking the boys hand. And as he opened his mouth to say sorry for some reason, Louis cut him off, "I love you," he choked out, and pressed his lips to Harry's, who instantly kissed back weakly.

The kiss was broken off when Harry let out a choked sob, "I'm sorry," he cried, tears falling from his eyes, "I don't wanna d-die," he croaked, "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," he sobbed, "there was this movie and b-bullying and people w-were b-being m-m-mean and I c-couldn't t-take it anym-more and the voices w-were so b-bad and I felt like no one l-loved me-"

"Stop, Harry, please please please," Louis was sobbing again by that point, and he was shaking his head, cradling Harry's frail face in his small hands. "I love you, we all love you, there's so many people out there to see you and if you're okay because they all love you so so so much," he told him, his voice cracking at the end. "Even people at school were crying watching that video," he whispered. "I only saw the last couple of seconds because Niall showed me. I was freaking out, so bad. I was telling Niall to drive faster to get to you because I love you, I love you with all my heart. I love you, Harry, and I'm in love with you, and I couldn't live without you, I would just be existing, I wouldn't even be living anymore because people can't live without the sun and the air and everything and you're my air and my sunshine and my everything and I don't even know what to do without you Harry, please believe that. Every bit of it is true," he said to Harry, who had tears running down his face.

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