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"Harry! Louis' here!" his mum shouted from downstairs. It was almost eight thirty, just like Louis had told him. Harry sighed, thinking; finally. Because he just wanted to go and come back as quickly as he could.

He headed downstairs, and gave Louis a small smile before following him out to the car, "I know this isn't what you would probably want to be doing tonight, but I'm glad that you are. And if you want to leave, then just tell me, and we can go," he spoke, looking to the younger boy before driving off.

❊ ❊ ❊ ❊

To say that Harry was happy was actually an understatement. Louis, Niall, and a couple other of their friends that Harry recalled seeing that one day at lunch were there as well. They made sure to include him and although they didn't know much about him, they thought he was cool.

They had been there for about three hours already, and it was nearing midnight. Though sometime through the night Harry saw Dani jog into the kitchen by herself, so he decided to follow her. "Uhm, Danielle?" he asked, tapping her shoulder. She turned around, and shot him a smile, "I uh, wanted to say like, thanks," he paused, "f-for like helping me that one d-day," he told her. She looked confused, but when she remembered what he was talking about she chuckled.

"Hey, it's no problem. I'm just glad you're alright," she smiled, and patted his back before returning to the living room. Harry sighed, and nodded to himself, also retreating to the others. Though it probably wasn't the best idea, because once he stepped foot in the room he spotted a new person there that he thought he wouldn't have to see again.

Harry stumbled backwards, his lanky body tripping over almost everything that was in his way until his back hit the wall. He turned, scrambling out of the house and out front. His breathing was a bit rigid, for he was scared out of his mind. He was in a house with a group of teenagers, no parents, and now also his all-time bully from his old school. The one that humiliated him and made fun of him and beat him for three years worth of high school.

Louis instantly ran after him, sighing in relief when he found the boy out on the porch. "Harry," he said, standing next to him, "what's wrong?" he asked, placing his hand on the other boy's arm.

Harry just shook his head, licking his lips, "Nothing," he whispered, almost inaudible. Though Louis wouldn't take that for an answer, and moved in front of him.

"Harry, please," he mumbled, his hand moving from Harry's arm to his cheek, "what happened?" he asked gently.

Harry sighed, knowing that the topic wouldn't ever be let go unless he told him. "Marcus," he murmured, "h-he was my bully," he told Louis, and Louis instantly tensed up, balling his fists. Though Harry noticed that, and took the older boy's hands, unfolding them. "D-Don't hurt anyone," he said, his voice coming out barely a whisper.

"B-But I-"

"No no no no, please just don't," he begged quietly. There was a pause between them, and after a minute Louis sighed.

"Okay," he muttered, "we can leave if you want," he offered, because in all honestly he didn't want Harry anywhere close to Marcus anymore.

"I-It's fine. I don't want you to have to go home because of me. They're your friends and you've been cooped up with me for the past weeks. Plus, I like your friend Niall. He's uh nice," Harry shrugged.

Louis smiled, and sighed, "Then I'm staying by your side the rest of the night."


Louis leaned forward, going up on his tip-toes to softly kiss Harry, and Harry kissed back gently, loving the feeling of Louis lips against his own. Because he actually knew that Louis cared for him, and actually liked him. Not that he was a pity case to the older boy.

"Let's go back inside," Harry mumbled silently against Louis' lips. He wanted to continue kissing Louis, but he didn't want Marcus to find out and beat the shit out of him again for being gay.

"No," Louis whispered. Harry's eyes fluttered open, and he admired the way Louis' eyelashes brushed lightly against his cheeks. "I don't want to anymore."

"W-Where do you uh, want to g-go then?" Harry questioned, closing his eyes again when Louis pecked his cheek.

"Anywhere but here. I love my friends, but I don't want to hang out with them anymore right now," he hummed, and looked at Harry in adoration. He was going to say something else when someone interrupted.

"Hey, guys, are you coming back in?" Marcus asked, smirking at them. Harry took a step back cautiously while Louis glared at the tall man.

"No, we're leaving," Louis snapped, and took Harry's hand, guiding him down the driveway and into his car. "Let's go back to my house, yea?" he asked, and drove off after Harry gave him a nod in approval.

"I'm sorry about tonight," Louis mumbled, biting his lip, "I wanted you to have fun and then that douche showed up. I didn't know," he trailed off.

Harry shook his head slightly, and placed his hand on Louis', who had his laying on the console. It sent sparks up Louis arm, and he smiled, "Don't be sorry. Neither of us knew he would uh, be there," he told him. Louis nodded, and both boys were quiet for the next two minutes until Louis pulled into his driveway.

They both got out, and walked side by side up to the front door, both of them scurrying inside and shaking the cold out of themselves. "You want some tea?" Louis asked, to which Harry shook his head. "Me neither, not in the mood," the older boy sighed, standing on the other side of the counter than Harry.

Louis looked down at his hands, clearing his voice nervously, "Uhm, Harry, would- would you uh... want to be my boyfriend?" he asked quietly, afraid of the rejection that could have been lurking around the corner.

Harry gasped at the question, and couldn't help the grin that made its way onto his face as he jumped to Louis, hugging him, "Yes yes yes," he whispered into the shorter boy's ear. Louis pulled back, smiling.



"Amazing," Louis murmured before latching his lips onto Harry's, letting his fingers move up to the small curls on the back of his neck. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist, under his jacket but not under his tshirt. Their lips moved in sync, opening and closing and letting a bit of tongue through when offered. "Am I your first boyfriend?" Louis asked against Harry's lips, not opening his eyes.

Harry could feel his cheeks heat up, and he smiled sheepishly, "Y-Yea, my first everything practically," he told Louis, embarrassed. Though the blue eyed boy didn't mind one bit.

"No no, I like that I'm your first. It makes me special," he smiled, going in to kiss the curly haired boy again, his small hands cupping his cheek. And Harry was shy about it, but cautiously slid his hands around his boyfriend's waist, his cold hands being lit up by Louis' warm skin. Louis liked it, the feeling of his large hands holding onto his hips. And Louis was about to slide his own hands down Harrys arms and underneath his shirt when they were interrupted.

"Oh Jesus!" Lottie squeaked, and turned her back. The two boys pulled away from each other. Breathing hard with flushed faces and swollen lips.

"Let's go upstairs," Louis breathed quietly, "you can borrow some of my clothes and sleep in my room," he offered, and Harry took his hand before being led upstairs.



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