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When Louis called out his friend's name, Harry got self-conscious again, and his shoulders sunk, as well as his confidence.

"This is my new friend, Harry!" Louis announced to a couple of guys and girls, smiling at everyone, "Harry this is Niall, Ed, Josh, Stan, and Danielle. But we call her Dani," he shrugged, and pointed to each person as he said their name. Harry didn't say anything, and just nodded, pursing his lips together.

Way to be awkward, you freak

Louis guided Harry to an empty spot next to Ed, and sat him down. "I'm just getting my lunch," he said, before leaving Harry on his own with a group of strangers.

"You're new here?" asked the blonde from across the table, and Harry froze at the question. He nodded, and folded his hands in his lap, squeezing them together in between his thighs. "That's cool. What school did you use to go to?" he asked, munching on a sandwich that Harry wanted so badly, to fill up his empty stomach.

"Uh H-Holmes Chapel C-Compreh-hensive Sc-School," he told the lively boy, speaking quietly.

Niall's eyes widened a bit, "Really? I heard that was like a really good school to go to though! Expensive too!" he exclaimed, making Harry flinch which went unnoticed by the Irish boy, "how come you gave up that school?" he questioned.

Harry gulped, and lied blatantly, something he had been doing for years by then, "M-My mum d-didn't l-like it," he muttered only loud enough for Niall to hear. Though he tilted his head, confused as to why she wouldn't like it. He had a friend there who said he loves it. But thankfully for Harry he just let it go, and continued eating.

Louis came back shortly, and Harry was thankful, because even though he was introduced, he didn't know who the people surrounding him were.

Ed whispered something to Louis, not being noticed by Harry and the others except Niall. "Is Harry like, you know... okay?" he muttered to him. Louis furrowed his eyebrows, knowing that no, Harry was actually not okay. But he didn't want to say so.

"He's fine, yea," he answered with a shrug, picking at his food which in his opinion looked absolutely disgusting.

Ed nodded in thought, "Okay. It's just that he looks kinda... like I don't know. Sick?" he told Louis unsurely. And although Louis knew that his friend was just trying to be considerate of his new friend he didn't like that he had sort of jumped to conclusions.

"He's not sick, Ed," he snapped a bit, talking lowly through gritted teeth.

"L-Louis?" Harry asked, biting his lip as he looked hopefully at the older boy, "I-I have to g-go," he said awkwardly, and although Louis knew that Harry didn't actually have to go, he nodded, sending Harry a smile. And Harry knew that Louis' was secretly wondering if he was okay. So he nodded to him, silently telling him that he was okay, and quickly escaped the cafeteria.

Though once again, he wasn't okay. He couldn't deal with the smell of all this food from more than one hundred students floating around him. And due to the fact that he hadn't been eating for over a week straight the smell triggered something in him. And he felt sick to his stomach.

Harry made it to the bathroom in time, and locked himself in a stall before emptying out the contents in his stomach, which wasn't much to begin with. And he gagged, hunched over the toilet with unsteady breaths. His head felt dizzy, and his stomach churned, growling. He wanted so badly to go get Louis, the only kid here he trusted, and tell him that he felt bad and sickly. But he could barely walk out of the bathroom and into the hall let alone the cafeteria across the hall and at the end of the giant room, where Louis' table was.

He wanted to get food. He wanted to eat. He wanted something in his stomach unlike past week or more where he hadn't eaten much more than small portions of a breakfast bar. But he couldn't move. He felt weak in the knees, and he didn't know why. He had assumed it was because the sudden hunger and the smell of all the food that he hadn't had getting to his senses and making him weak and sick. But he also couldn't get food because the voices banned it. They strictly told him no, and threatened him even though it was his own body and not theirs. He couldn't help but listen to them, because for the most part, the voices were usually right he thought.

Harry groaned, slumping himself against the wall, pressing his forehead against the cold wall. His hands pressing hard against it to keep himself upright. He had that ringing in his ears. The one you get when it's too quiet, or you're overwhelmed. In his case both, besides from the patter of feet coming down the hall, which he hadn't heard because of said ringing.

Behind him, Sam pressed a finger to his lips, shushing the two boys at his side. Before Harry could even notice, Sam crept up, grabbing his arms and sticking his foot in front of Harry's, shoving him forward so that he tripped and fell. Though he didn't even notice, and he could've cared less at that point, because he knew he couldn't do anything about it. So he laid there, on his side, his knees pulled up to his chest. "Please," he whimpered, quieter than a mouse.

"Oops, sorry, little fag," Sam mocked hurt, tilting his head and pouting his lip.

"Yea, didn't mean to trip you," snarled one of the other boys before kicking Harry's gut. That made him groan loudly, clutching his stomach.

Harry got a few more blows to his stomach, and the back of his thighs and shins before watching helplessly as they ran off. Lunch was over fairly soon, and Harry didn't want to be seen like that. So after five minutes of just laying there uselessly he got up, clawing the wall as he pulled himself into the bathroom where he finally let his tears go. And his mind wandered off, helplessly listening to the voices that appeared again, telling him what he had to do that night.

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