Essay: Tamaranean Names & I Am Not Starfire

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Let's talk about Kory's name (as inspired by...I Am Not Starfire) and the little that is actually known about established Tamaranean naming conventions. 

Kory's name itself means 'optimism of tomorrows' (no, her name doesn't translate to Starfire):

Kory's name itself means 'optimism of tomorrows' (no, her name doesn't translate to Starfire):

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[The Tales of the New Teen Titans #4]

She was born "at dawn, the hour of innocence" and was named as such--this might imply that Tamaranean naming conventions have something to do with the circumstances under which someone is born but that's just conjecture on my part. Kory's father, Myand'r, was the one to announce her name and may have been the one to give Kory her name--but his name is also one that interests me. Not because of what his name means (that's unknown) but because of how it changed over time.

Myand'r was actually born 'Mythus':

Myand'r was actually born 'Mythus':

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[NTT v2 #15]

His family all had names that ended with 'thus'; his brothers were named Korthus and Scrithus, his father was named Korithus, and his mother was named Talathus. However, as an adult, he goes by Myand'r. This aligns with his wife Luand'r's name as well as their children's names. Their children are obviously all named accordingly: Komand'r, Koriand'r, and Ryand'r.

This, coupled with Kory's use of 'Anders' as her civilian last name, seems to imply a matrilineal naming system in which the last four letters (and potentially more or less) operate as surnames on Tamaran.

At least they the Northern hemisphere of the planet. Prince Karras' family, who hail from the Southern States of Tamaran, which are a lesser royal house, only have two members with similar names: Prince Karras and his father King Tharras. His mother's name is Salja and his sister is named Xyannis. This may be a case of differing local cultures and naming conventions...or a case of writing inconsistency (you get to choose!).

For Kory's family, on top of 'and'r' which may or may not function as a surname, they have a house name: House Tykayl:

For Kory's family, on top of 'and'r' which may or may not function as a surname, they have a house name: House Tykayl:

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[NTT v1 #3]

So, that makes a full title for everyone in Kory's family--for example: Princess Koriand'r of House Tykayl might be what she's officially known as.

That brings me to: Mar'i and Mandy Koriand'r

Mar'i's name has long been thought to be a Tamaranean version of 'Mary' and that she might be named after Dick Grayson's mother. It makes sense that the first human-Tamaranean child would have a name that reflects both sides of her family equally and beautifully. She also might not need a Tamaranean surname signifier because in (white and patrilineal) American culture at large she would take her father's surname: Grayson.

All of this comes together and makes me wonder: why Mandy Koriand'r? Koriand'r isn't a surname--it's just Kory's full name. She goes by Koriand'r or a shortened version of it and from what you can observe in comics, 'and'r' and 'Anders' seem to be the closest things she has to a surname. If they wanted a name that spoke both to Earth and Tamaran, why not go with something closer to Mar'i's name? Or give her a surname that reflects Kory's journey from Tamaranean to Earthling? 

If they didn't want to give away who Mandy's father is (or include him at all which is more than fine) I understand--but why the ridiculous name when there's at least a little bit of history behind Tamaranean names?

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