Profile: X'hal

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Name: X'hal

Race: Formerly Okaaran 

Age: Unknown - possibly thousands of years old

Hair/Skin/Eye color: indiscernible - X'hal is now a conscious construct of light and energy

Affiliations: Herself, formerly Okaara, Vegan star system

Abilities: as a construct of pure energy, X'hal is capable of flight and mass destruction

Background: There are conflicting reports of X'hal's history and her creation. 

As told by Kalista and her husband Primus, legend tells that before being turned into a being of pure energy, X'hal was a fierce warrior that led the Vegan system against the Psions with a brilliancy in battle that was unmatched by those that surrounded her. Her battle tactics led the system to victory as they repelled the Psions and created a long sought after peace. In return for her victory in war, X'hal was made to be the first high empress of the newly united twenty-five planets of the Vegan star system. 

As high empress, X'hal continued to seek peace and ways to keep it; X'hal's reforms created a peace that lasted for an unknown number of years before the Psions returned to wage another war against the inhabitants of the Vegan star system. During peace time, the defenses of the system were neglected and the Psions attacked again and again with ease. They killed X'hal easily and experimented on her corpse by irradiating it and studying her brain. The Psion scientists put her body back together with little care, turning her body and soul into a being of pure energy. 

According to this legend, X'hal freed herself by using her newfound abilities. As a construction of energy, she lusted after battle and destruction and became a being whose whims changed as quickly as the weather is able and she as put under the care of the Okaarans. As she was revered in her previous life, so was she in her new life. X'hal was and still is celebrated as a goddess and is worshiped across the Vegan star system.

Other accounts tell different tales but this is the earliest recorded version of X'hal's tale.

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