Profile: Komand'r

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Name: Komand'r

Alias: Blackfire (not a translation of her name, just an alias)

Age: unknown, at least 3-5 years older than Kory who came to earth at around age 18

Height: 6'2"

Hair/Eye/Skin Color: Green/dark red/golden toned

Starbolt Color: blue

Abilities: enhanced strength and hand-to-hand combat training (both weak and not focused on), starbolts, does not possess the power of flight

Affiliations: Citadel Empire (formerly), Tamaran

Background: Komand'r was the first of three children born to King Myand'r and Queen Luand'r of House Tykayl. She was so unlucky as to be born on a day when the Citadel  destroyed the Tamaranean city of Kysarr in the new princess' name. By killing three thousand citizens on a day that should have been celebrated, the Citadel ensured that the Tamaranean people would not be endeared to their new princess – instead they withdrew from her and did not respect her as their princess. As she grew older, she proved that she couldn't sway them with her disposition. Not only did her birth coincide with previously unimaginable death and destruction, Komand'r also suffered from a childhood illness that left her body unable to synthesize UV energy and take flight. As a result, Komand'r was no longer the crown princess and was not in line for her parents' throne.

Not much is known of Komand'r's childhood before the birth of her sister Koriand'r. Most of what is known occurs after Koriand'r's birth, which seemed to coincide with the worsening of Komand'r's disposition and mood as her younger sibling took most of the attention their parents had to give. Her jealousy of her younger sister grew into hatred over time and the reasons for this are simple: she felt unloved by her parents, unloved by the Tamaranean people, and her sister had the power of flight where she did not. In Komand'r's eyes, Koriand'r was everything she couldn't have and everything she would never have. Komand'r's jealousy was destructive and she tried her  best to ruin Koriand'r's happiness, this attitude synthesizing when she killed Koriand'r's childhood pet and put herself on the path to destruction. Despite her cruelty towards her younger sister, Koriand'r still wished for her older sister's love and approval; this attitude changed after Komand'r decided to beat Koriand'r, who thereafter avoided her sister now with the knowledge that her sister would hurt her without any real provocation.

The two lived in separate spheres and didn't truly meet again until it was time for them to train in the art of combat with the Warlords of Okaara, on the planet Okaara where the Okaarans - a race descended from the goddess X'hal - reside. It's unknown how long their training lasted but at the graduation ceremony, it was decided that Komand'r and Koriand'r would go head-to-head in a match as part of the final ceremony. Komand'r – a cheater at heart – almost came out ahead against Koriand'r, when her sister threw her shield at the legs of Komand'r's mount, causing her to tumble over the edge where she would have fallen to her death if Koriand'r hadn't saved her.

Koriand'r's kindness was a mistake and Komand'r retaliated against her sister by beating her within an inch of her life, causing Komand'r to be ejected from the training program and banished from Okaara. Komand'r swore vengeance against the Warlords and against her planet, which she had grown to resent as much as she hated her sister. She joined the ranks of the Citadel – this action effectively cut her off from Tamaran as she betrayed the planet of her birth and joined a cause that opposed the very existence of Tamaran. She rose quickly through the ranks of the Citadel Empire and became a woman with power and prestige.

She eventually gave up the secrets of Tamaran's planetary defenses to the Citadel, who then swiftly conquered the planet. The conditions of surrender included Koriand'r being handed over and enslaved, her master being her own sister. Each year, Komand'r sold her sister to a different master, making sure that she had enough time at the end of each year to have Kory returned to her for the express purposes of torturing her. This went on for nearly six years until Koriand'r finally killed one of the masters she was rented to, forcing her sister to take her back for punishment before the year had ended.

Komand'r decided that execution was the punishment befitting Koriand'r but before  this came to be, the two sisters were kidnapped by the Psions; the Psions are a race that delight in what they call science and what the rest of the Vegan system calls torture. Their experiments call to mind images of young children ripping the wings off of butterflies and ladybugs with no real understanding of what they are doing but the Psions are conscious of the pain they cause and they delight in it. When they took Komand'r and Koriand'r, they took them with the intent to see how much UV energy they could absorb before dying.

However, the two sisters did not meet death. Instead, Koriand'r escaped the bonds that held her down during the experiment and had gained the new ability of starbolts. She freed her sister and was quickly proven, again, that kindness to her sister would always go un-repaid. Komand'r's starbolts were more powerful than Koriand'r's as a result of being experimented on for just a few moments longer and proved to be so when she struck down her younger sister down for attempting to extend kindness to her.

How Komand'r escaped the ship with her unconscious sister in tow is unkown but she again had her sister restrained and slated for execution. This is where Koriand'r escaped and joined the newly formed New Teen Titans. Komand'r searched for her sister for months before finding her on Earth and kidnapping her with the intent to torture her daily until she tired of it and killed her or until her sister died. This plan was not executed the way Komand'r wished it to be and she was defeated by Kory in battle, after which was left to her own devices. She was disgraced in the Citadel and after killing a Citadellian that ranked higher than she did, she could not stay there any longer.

After leaving the Citadel, she focused on returning to Tamaran and leading a rebellion with those unsatisfied by her father's rule. Eventually, she succeeded and the rebel forces raised her up as their queen. She has been the queen of the Tamaraneans through the multiple destructions of the planet and has attempted to lead her people well.

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