Profile: Queen Luand'r

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Name: Luand'r

Age: Unknown

Height: Unknown

Hair/Eye/Skin Color: Bright red/green/golden-toned

Abilities: Enhanced strength, flight, combat training, language assimilation through skin contact

Status: Deceased

Marital Status: Married to King Myand'r

Affiliations: Tamaran, House Tykayl

Background: Her childhood upbringing, parents, age, and where she came from are all unknown. There is no information on when or why she married King Myand'r but one could speculate that his name change was due to their marriage, despite it being him descended from the sole ruling family of Tamaran. 

Queen Luand'r stayed loyal to her husband and her family throughout her life and through the war that shook their planet to its core, not only defending her homeworld, but refusing to leave as it was destroyed.

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