Profile: Mar'i Grayson

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Name: Mar'i Grayson

Nickname: Starshine

Alias: Nightstar

Age: Unknown, possibly 18-23

Height: Unknown, canonically shorter than her father

Hair/eye/skin color: Black/green/golden toned tan

Abilities: Flight, starbolts, can survive in the vacuum of space, assumed to possess the same abilities as her mother (enhanced eyesight, advanced use of the power to convert UV energy into starbolts and heat, language assimilation, etc.)

Affiliations: Earth, Batman's Outsiders

Universe: Earth-22

Background: Much of her early life remains unknown but what is known is that Mar'i Grayson is the daughter of Princess Koriand'r and the human hero, Dick Grayson, and that her mother died of a circulatory disease sometime during her childhood.

As a result, Dick Grayson kept his child close to him - in fact, so close it was almost suffocating and as a result put a strain on their relationship that led to Mar'i's eventual estrangement from him as she found refuge from that same suffocation in Bruce Wayne, the grandfather she had not known while growing up.

In a world that was much different than the one her parents had helped keep safe, she became the only kind of hero she knew how to be, which was to say, not much of a hero at all. The world was rid of crime and the only thing left for young metahumans to do was to fight amongst one another, creating identities and factions that had little meaning until Magog decimated much of the United State's livable land and the metahumans and retired heroes of yesterday were forced to choose sides - Mar'i chose to place her loyalties with her Grandfather's Outsiders and fought in a war against those that Batman thought posed a threat to the world. The war came to a violent but ultimately quiet end when many of the heroes of old and the heroes of new were killed in a nuclear explosion.

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