Relocation and the Gordanian War

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The third location of Tamaran was on the planet known as Karna - specifically on the continent known as Gordane, which is where most Gordanians reside. The Tamaraneans were led to the planet after the second location of their government - the Tamaranean moon Jalascis - was destroyed and planned to take the planet out of the hands of the Gordanians in order to find a new home. This seizure of land seems to many to be revenge for the part the slavers had in the Citadel's bid for control of the Vegan System. 

As the war between the Gordanians and Tamaraneans waged on, Prince Ryand'r convinced Princess Koriand'r to involve the Titans, who had previously come to the aid of Tamaran and who he believed would be easily swayed into helping eradicate the Gordanians from their planet and in creating Tamaranean colonies. However, the knowledge that Tamaran was unprovoked and mobilized unlawfully against the Gordanians was conveniently kept from many, including the Titans, who had kindly come to their aid; the Titans were led to believe that the Gordanians were the invaders and the Tamaraneans the invaded.

Not very long into the war, Tempest, a member of the Titans, came to the realization that they were fighting against women and children that had little experience in combat of any kind. Tempest was taken prisoner by the Gordanians and eventually led negotiations with them on behalf of the Tamaraneans - the other Titans learned that they had been lied in their own time. 

After a long battle with the Gordanians, the Titans and the Tamaranean army, the Omega Men intervened and put a stop to the raging battle. With negotiations in the hands of Tempest, a man well versed in politics, the end of the war came quickly and it was assured that Tamaraneans and Gordanians would be able to share the land that the Tamaraneans had tried to seize. 

Princess Koriand'r chose to stay with her brother, Prince Ryand'r, and help rebuild their people and carve out a better role for the Gordanian people in their star system. 

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