Miscellaneous Culture Notes

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- Tamaraneans are indeed a peace loving people and they are warriors at the same time. They understand and accept duality more than humans are able to. To quote from New Teen Titans: "We embrace peace with all our hearts, but when we fight we intend to win!"

- Emotions are seen as incredibly important and tend to guide many choices that are made on Tamaran but that is not the only thing that guides their decisions. Kory's father, King Myand'r, made many decisions based on what he thought would be best for the Tamaranean people; no matter how much he did not want to do something, he still did it out of a sense of honor and duty.

- Loving more than one person romantically at the same time is an accepted part of Tamaranean society and love of any kind is celebrated.

- Traditional Tamaranean marriages include taking vows of love and respect for one another

- White is the mourning color on Tamaran

- Okaaran battle tactics and martial arts are typically used on Tamaran and are taught across the Vegan star system

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