Profile: the Citadel

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Homeworld: Citadel Homeworld

System: Vega

Affiliations: Citadel, Vega System, Gordanian Slavers

The Citadelians are a race that came to be from the forced and non-consensual union of X'hal – an Okaaran – and a Branx warrior. Each Citadelian is a clone of the original offspring of X'hal and that Branx warrior.

The Citadel itself is an empire that dominates the Vega system and it's unclear how exactly they did rise to power. They conquered the system a planet at a time and found it difficult to conquer Tamaran because the fierce race of warriors were not easy to defeat; they never gave up and could outsmart the Citadel's leaning towards brute force over tactical thinking. It proved so difficult to defeat and conquer Tamaran that the Citadel couldn't do it until Tamaran's planetary defense system secrets were given up to them.

Later, the Omega Men brought the Citadel Empire to its knees by destroying communications between all factions of the Citadel. With this action, the war with the Citadel came to an end.

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