Profile: Alisand'r

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Name: Alisand'r

Alias: Green Lantern 

Age: Unknown

Height: Unknown, looks to be petite  

Hair/Eye/Skin Color: Deep Red/Green/On the yellow side of golden  

Abilities: flight (both in and out of uniform), language assimilation, energy conversion

Affiliations: Tamaran, the Green Lantern Corps

Status: Deceased

Background: There is little known about the only Tamaranean Green Lantern. What is known that the brave Alisand'r was recruited to fight against Apokolips in a war led by Raker Qarrigat. 

While she held her own against the Apokoliptan troops, she ultimately failed because of the yellow armor that each Apokoliptan warrior wore. Before her execution at the hands of Darkseid, she spit in his face, a warrior to the end.

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