Profile: Ryand'r

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Name: Ryand'r

Nickname: Ryan

Alias: Darkfire

Age: unknown, younger than Koriand'r by at least five years.

Height: 5'9"

Hair/Eye/Skin Color: Green/auburn/golden toned

Abilities: Enhanced strength, flight, starbolts, hand-to-hand combat training

Affiliations: Tamaran, the Omega Men [see entry 10 for information]

Background: There isn't much known about Ryand'r's childhood on Tamaran but we do know that he was born in the months before Komand'r and Koriand'r went to train on Okaara with the Warlords of Okaara. And according to Koriand'r, Ryand'r was a child when she was forced to leave Tamaran by her sister at the age of twelve (she was enslaved for six years and came to Earth at the age of eighteen).

    The facts about his upbringing are murky and in most cases nonexistent but as a teenager he joined the Omega Men and fought with them across their star system because of his skill in communication sciences. Ryand'r did not try to excel as a warrior or politician because Koriand'r and Komand'r were already two of the fiercest warriors in the Vegan star system.  After joining the Omega Men, he returned to fight in the civil war against Komand'r when she rose to try and wrest her parents' power from them. As we know now, he was on the losing side and decided to continue traveling the galaxy with the Omega Men.

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