Pre-Flashpoint Starfire Reading List

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A comprehensive list of all the important comics to read if you want to know everything about Starfire:

Pre & Post Crisis:

DC Comics Presents v1 (1978)


New Teen Titans v1 (1980)

#1-3#5 #8#16 #19#22-26#28 Annual #1

Tales of the New Teen Titans v1


Tales of the Teen Titans v1


New Teen Titans v2 (1984)

#6-9#10#12 #13-19 #22 + 23 #26 + 27 #31-33 #36 + 37 #39 #46

The Omega Men v1 (1983)

#33-35 (to be read concurrently with NTT v2′s Tamaran arc)

Teen Titans Spotlight (1986)

#1 + #2

New Titans v1 (1988)

#50-54#85 #90-93#97-114 #127-130 Annual #6

Deathstroke the Terminator v1 (1991)

#14 + #15 (read concurrently with: New Titans #90-93)

Team Titans v1

#2 + #3#5 + #6

Darkstars v1 (1992)

#26 + #27

JLA/Titans (1998)


Titans v1 (1999)

#1-4#12 #14#17-19#47-50

Teen Titans v3 (2003)


Outsiders v3 (2003)


Countdown to Adventure (2007)


Titans v2 (2008)

#1-5#11#16#21 + 22

Justice League of America v2 (2006)


R.E.B.E.L.S. (2009)


The Flash: Rebirth (2009)

#1 + #2

Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985) (this event happens during NTT v2)


Cosmic Odyssey (1988)


Young Justice: Sins of Youth (2000)


Justice Leagues: Justice League of Aliens (2001)


The Return of Donna Troy (2005)


Countdown to Infinite Crisis (2005)


Infinite Crisis (2005)

#6 + #7Rann/Thanagar War: Infinite Crisis Special

52 (2006)

#7-9#16 + #17#19 + #20#28#31-33#35-37#41#47#51 + #52

Rann-Thanagar: Holy War (2008)


Blackest Night (2009)

#0 + #1#4-8Blackest Night: Titans #1-3Alternate Universe Appearances:

Uncanny X-men/The New Teen Titans


Amalgam as Shatterstarfire/Koriand'ru

Exciting X-Patrol #1
X-Patrol #1

The Kingdom: Nightstar


The Last Days of Animal Man (2009)


DCUO Legends (2011)


Batman Beyond Unlimited


Convergence (2015)

#6#8New Teen Titans #1 + #2
Nightwing/Oracle #1Titans #1 +#2

Teen Titans: Earth One

volume 1 + 2

Injustice 2 (2017)

#37 + #38
#40#45#47#49#57 + #58#60-62#64

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