Tamaranean Physiology/Physical Characteristics

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Disclaimer for this chapter: This is not about the Tamaraneans of the Teen Titans animated series. Tamaraneans emotions do not decide how their powers work, nor do they all have the ability to form starbolts. Tamaraneans are ruled by their emotions because as a society they have accepted and embraced their emotions and they use them to guide many - but not all - of their decisions. Please go into this knowing that the Tamaran of the comics is very different than that of the cartoon and that you will not get any information about the cartoon in this guide.

Hair: Many Tamaraneans have big, curly hair like Kory. Curly hair looks like it's the dominant gene but there are a few Tamaraneans with straight hair. Kory's family all have red hair but Tamaraneans are diverse and their hair comes in a variety of colors including blond and brunette. Some like General Ph'yzzon have naturally white hair. 

Many also wear headdresses, cowls, hats, and headbands much like us humans do.

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Skin: Varying shades of a golden color is typical on Tamaran but there are Tamaraneans with red, orange, and brown skin as is observable in the pictures below:

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Skin: Varying shades of a golden color is typical on Tamaran but there are Tamaraneans with red, orange, and brown skin as is observable in the pictures below:

Skin: Varying shades of a golden color is typical on Tamaran but there are Tamaraneans with red, orange, and brown skin as is observable in the pictures below:

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Height: Like humans, their height varies but on average, they are a very tall race of people. With the shortest Tamaran appearing on panel being about 5'7" and the tallest Tamaran appearing on panel being almost 7 feet tall.

Eye color: shown to be varying shades of green, blue, and white.

Tamaranean Dress: This changes from character to character but many Tamaraneans don't wear a lot of clothing. Their dress can range from robes, to costumes like Kory's, to full leotards and unitards, to what General Ph'yzzon is shown to be wearing in the above picture. Don't restrict yourself and remember that culture is a living entity that changes constantly, so don't be afraid to create something new and mix it up a little bit! 

Abilities: The Tamaranean ability of flight comes naturally to most Tamaraneans. However, it is entirely possible to be born without the ability to harness the UV energy from the sun for flight and like Komand'r, it is possible to lose the ability to fly because of an illness.

All Tamaraneans are born with the ability of linguistic assimilation by touch (skin-to-skin contact, does not require kissing as portrayed in the Cartoon Network cartoon) and enhanced strength. They also seem to have some sort of enhanced durability but it is unknown how durable Tamaraneans are on average - Kory and her siblings seem to be more durable than humans are.

Starbolts are an ability that are limited to Koriand'r, Komand'r, and Ryand'r because they were subjected to a very specific experimentation done by the Psions. There are no other known Tamaraneans with this ability. General Ph'yzzon - a Tamaranean also experimented on by the Psions - has the ability to create more of himself and he calls these constructs binaries. 

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