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After Lydia had fed on the asshole drugging girls' drinks, she decided it wasn't bad to feed on humans as long as they're either jerks or as long as she compels them to forget. Lydia had realized she wasn't actually harming them.

"Thank you, Klaus," Lydia said, smiling at the hybrid.

"Anytime, love," he replied with a wink and a smirk. "Let's dance while the night is still young!" He proclaimed, grabbing Lydia's hand and leading her into the middle of the dance floor.

"Why does it matter if the night is young or not if we're immortal?" Lydia asked.

"Because," Klaus began, "sometime's it's nice to pretend that we're not. To pretend that our time on this Earth is limited. It makes life more exciting."

Lydia frowned, thinking back to just a few weeks ago to when she was human. She was constantly worried about things that would happen in the future. Would she make it in college? Would she ever be married? What about kids? What if she couldn't get a decent job? How would she live on her own without money? She hadn't realized that not once in the two weeks since she's been a vampire that she hasn't thought a single one of those thoughts. As a vampire, there was no need to worry about the future- they had all the time in the world.

Her stomach dropped at the sudden comparison between her two lives and her sudden realization at how rapidly everything had changed.

"I think I'm going to go, actually," Lydia told Klaus.

"Why? Are you feeling alright?" Klaus asked, his eyebrows slightly furrowed together in a look of concern. He obviously knew she wasn't sick, as vampires couldn't get sick, but he knew something was off all of the sudden.

"Yeah," she answered, giving Klaus a weak smile, "I guess I'm just not in the mood to dance."

"Well, let me drive you home," Klaus said, putting his hand on the small of her waist and leading her out of the club and into the streets of New Orleans.

Without saying a word, Lydia got into the passenger seat of Klaus' car and let him drive her home.

"Thank you," she said politely, getting out of his car.

"Lydia, love," Klaus called. She turned around to see Klaus getting out of his car and walking around it to meet up with her. "Are you sure you're okay? I can tell something's a little off."

"Do you ever wish you were human again?" She asked, almost afraid to hear his response.

"I have once," Klaus admitted. "I was hiking in the Andes Mountains and I came across a humming bird. I could hear its heart beating a thousand beats per minute. I remember thinking what a feat it was to have to work that hard to simply survive and how gratifying each day must be."

Lydia was shocked. She hadn't even expected him to answer yes to her question, let alone give her an in depth elegant answer. Unknowing of what to say, she did the only thing that made sense to her at the time. She closed the space between them and connected their lips.

Their lips moved together in sync. Klaus' bottom lip fit perfectly between Lydia's. The kiss they shared on Lydia's doorstep was slow, sweet and seemingly everlasting. The kind of kiss people share when they're hesitant to kiss the other because they're scared that the person they're kissing won't reciprocate the kiss.

However the simple contect was enough to send waves of electricity down Klaus' spine. He didn't want to pull away, but he knew it would be safer for her if he did.

"I better be off," he said, breaking the kiss with the most intelligent girl he had ever met.

Before Lydia could blink, Klaus was gone. Disappointed that he left but filled with butterflies from the brief kiss they shared, she unlocked her front door and collapsed on the couch, her lips tingling where Klaus' had touched hers.

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