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Lydia raced home as quickly as she could. She needed to separate herself from Klaus, from vampirism, from the fact that she will never be human again.

She will never have kids. She will never be able to grow old with the ones she loves. She will never be able to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin without bursting into a pile of ash and dust. She will never be able to be buried with her family.

The thought that one day, everyone she knows now will be dead absolutely terrified her. She didn't want to live in a world where everyone around her died. She didn't want to live in a world where her only life long company was Klaus and his creepy thousand year old family, no matter how infatuated she was with him.

She didn't want to have thoughts of draining her entire family of their blood supply whenever she saw them. She didn't want to have the urge to feed on human blood at all.

Lydia wanted to be human.

She began rummaging through out her condo searching for a notepad and pen.

Hastily, she scribbled out two notes- one for her family and one for Klaus.

Mom and Dad,
It breaks my heart knowing that that is the last time I will ever call you that. You both have been wonderful parents and you deserve all the happiness in the world. Unfortunately, I can't find that happiness. I never had it. It wasn't because of anything you did. It's because of me and some of the things I have done that are irreversible. I hope you can both find immense joy after I'm gone. I want you to have many more children and I want you to love them like you've never loved anything else before. I know the pain of loosing a child, of loosing me is going to be unbearable and I'm sorry that I'm selfish enough to make this decision. Please don't waste time mourning my suicide. Please just do your best to move on as quickly as possible. There's nothing left here for me. I love you, Mommy. I love you, Daddy. You two are my hereoes. You deserve the best the world has to offer and I'm so sorry that I won't be around to watch you get it.
With lots of undying love and admiration,

Lydia didn't realize she was crying until a tear drop fell onto the page and smeared the ink that spelled out her name.

She left that letter hanging on the front door.

She had one letter left to deliver.

Silently crying, she left her condo, going to the compound to leave the letter she had written for Klaus in his bedroom. She had hoped he wasn't there.

To her luck, he wasn't and she snuck in and out easily, leaving her final words to Klaus on his pillow along with the ring he had given her the day he turned her.

Lydia took a deep breath as she paused behind the doors of the compound. She was preparing herself for what would happen next. She took her final breath and swung the doors open, a burning sensation overtaking her entire body. She was in an immense amount of pain for a few moments. Then, she simply ceased to exist.

A/n: so I didn't really have a direction for this story so you know I guess I thought Lydia killing herself was the way to go???
I mean I hope you guys enjoyed it and there's still going to be one more chapter :)))

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