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"What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?" Lydia asked.

"Nothing bad has ever really happened to me," Klaus said. "I mean sure bad things have happened but nothing really too memorable. I usually kill people before they can hurt me physically, mentally or emotionally."

Lydia chuckled a little at his explanation but didn't comment. Instead, she entwined her fingers with his and studied how perfectly his hand seemed to engluf hers.

"What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you?" Klaus asked Lydia's question.

"My junior year, I was asked to prom by the most popular guy in school as a joke. I didn't know it was a joke though, so I got all dressed up and my dress was the most beautiful thing. When he came to pick me up, he was polite and took pictures with me for my parents. Until we got to the school where he and his friends poured egg- yolk and all- down the front of my dress, which regardless of how many times we sent it to the dry cleaners, the stain never came out," She told him.

"That's the cruelest thing," Klaus commented. "If I had went to high school with you, I would have asked you to prom and got you a corsage that matched your dress. I would have posed for a thousand and one pictures. I would have danced the night away with you and made sure that you knew just how stunning you looked."

Blush immediately rose to Lydia's pale face, adding color to it. She wasn't used to guys hitting on her let alone saying such beautiful things to her.

"Why did they do those things?" Klaus asked.

"For lots of reasons," she told him. "For one, I started getting breasts way before all of the other girls so they sort of alienated me and it just sort of stayed that way. Then all of the boys in my class started spreading nasty rumors about me because I wouldn't have sex with them. I don't know. Apparently I've done something that pissed off everyone in my school." Lydia shrugged, not knowing what else to say. She never told anyone that she didn't fit in at school. She fed ideas to her parents that she was going out on Friday nights when in reality she just went to her local library and sat there until it closed.

"I'm sorry, love," Klaus said. He pulled her into him and wrapped his arms around her torso, resting his chin on her shoulder and pressing his lips to the skin exposed by her tank top. "You don't deserve that. You're a fantastic human being."

"I know," she said. "But thank you. It's nice to hear someone else say so for once."

"I'll be here to tell you everyday for the rest of forever," Klaus said.

"Forever," Lydia mused, studying how well her hand seemed to fit in his. "What will happen to us when the world ends? I mean, you and I, we're immortal, so when the world ends will we have to live in space or would it just be vampires roaming the only Earth they've ever known, starving to almost death since they can never really die?"

"Hm, I've never though about that," he admitted. "I guess I never thought the world would end." He was silent for a moment before continuing on. "I wish I was a human."


"Because humans don't have to worry about that stuff, they know that they are going to die before the sun swallows their only home. But what will become of us?"

Lydia didn't say anything because she didn't have an answer. Instead, she just pressed her head into his chest. Klaus subconsciously moved his hand to her head and her ran his fingers through her soft hair.

"What's your thing?" Lydia asked.

"My thing?" Klaus chuckled in confusion.

"Yeah! You know, your thing," she tried to clarify. "Everyone has a thing. Like some people are really good cooks, others have a really nice voice- a thing that makes them stand out from everyone else."

"Well, I suppose I'm a decent artist," he admitted.

"Really? I want to see some of your art!" Lydia said enthusiastically.

"You already have, love," Klaus smirked.

"You've never showed me anything," she denied, confused.

"But you saw that painting in the museum."

"WHAT?" Lydia exclaimed, jumping up to look at him, wide-eyed. "The one where we met?"

"Yes," Klaus chuckled.

"K.M..." Lydia paused, thinking. "You said you had the same initials, but you really have the same name because you're the same person! My mind is freaking blown! Klaus, that painting is extraordinary! It's beautiful!"

"Its not half as beautiful as you."


a/n: I'm sorry for how boring this chapter was but it sorta connects to the beginning of the story and you got to see how Klaus and Lydia act around each other

Also, sorry for the slow update; I have a concussion and I've been super busy with school and volleyball so sos

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