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Their lips moved in sync, molding together perfectly. Klaus trailed his hand from Lydia's waist up to her neck, deepening the kiss. Lydia put her hands on either side of Klaus' face. The kissing went on for a few minutes before Klaus pulled away.

"I'm sorry," he said. He turned his back to the blond, hiding his face. "I- I should go," he reached for his black leather jacket that rested on the back of the couch.

"Don't go," Lydia said, her hand reaching forward, touching Klaus' arm. "Please, stay." Desperation poured out of her mouth, wanting, hoping, begging for him to stay.

"And tell me, love, why should I do that?" he asked, not even bothering to turn around to face her. He knew if he did, tears would flow down the rivers that were his cheeks.

This question made Lydia furious. "Why should you do that?" She repeated as she moved her hand away from the original. "I don't know because you just kissed me and it'd be very rude to abruptly leave!" She began, "And maybe because you turned me into a freaking vampire and I don't know jack squat about what that means or anything about being a vampire! You can't just leave me in the da-"

Lydia was cut off by Klaus' lips finding their place on hers. His hands cupped her face as though if he let go, she would slip from his fingers only to never be seen again. Her hands found their way onto his chest. They gripped is shirt tightly, pulling him closer, never letting him go.

Never before had Lydia found herself enjoying being interrupted mid sentence. Never before had Klaus felt every nerve in his body ignite the moment his lips touched hers. Never before had Lydia been so pleasantly passionate. Never before had Klaus felt so alive.

Tangled in each other, Klaus rushed them onto the white couch where they laid for hours and hours doing nothing but kissing and giggling and filling the other with utter glee.

A sudden pounding at the door interrupted their fest of kisses. Reluctantly, Lydia pulled herself apart from Klaus to see who the knocker was. Upon opening the door, she saw it was her mother.

"Lydia, darling," her mother sighed, pulling her into a hug. "We haven't even heard from you since we've gotten here," she said pulling away. "I just wanted to come check on you and make sure you were- who's this?" She asked when her eyes landed on the disheveled Klaus, who's lips were swollen from the hours of kissing he and Lydia had done.

"Mom, this is Klaus," Lydia said, introducing the two. "Klaus, this is my mom."

Klaus stuck out his hand and firmly shook Lydia's mother's hand. "Pleasure to meet you," he said, casting her a charming grin.

"And how do you know my daughter?" Lydia's mom asked, suspicious of the attractive man in her daughter's living room in a city they've only been in for a week.

"We met at an art museum," he told her. Lydia's mom turned to look at her to confirm his story. It was true, so Lydia nodded.

Lydia's eyes traveled from her mom's smile down to her neck, where her vein just happened to be pulsing blood throughout her entire body.

Blood. The word used to gross Lydia out and send shivers down her spine. But now, it filled her with lust from head to toe. She could feel the veins under her eyes become more prominent and the fangs poking her lips as her eyes focussed on the vein in her mother's neck and her ears focused on the sound of her mother's heart beat.

Klaus noticed Lydia's thirst for blood and made deep eye contact with Mrs. Sucoma. "You're going to leave now," Klaus said, compelling her to do as he said. "And if anyone asks, you and Lydia had some tea and took a walk on the beach."

"Okay," Mrs. Sucoma chirped, breaking the connection between her and Klaus. "Thanks for the tea, darling," she said, patting Lydia's shoulder, "I'll be seeing you," and with that she walked out the door, leaving her daughter blood thirsty.

Klaus approached Lydia gently and placed his hands on her shoulders, trying to bring her attention to him instead of on her hunger. "Lydia, love, look at me," he cooed. She brought her brown eyes to his green ones and sighed.

"Is this young to happen every time I see people?" She asked, frustrated with herself.

"No," Klaus began. "Your hunger will be harder to control at first because you're a new vampire. With time, it'll get easier."

"How much time?" Lydia asked, throwing her hands up in the air. "I don't want to feel like I want to rip my family's throats out every time I see them!"

"Feed before you see them," Klaus offered. "Vampires usually get hungry every eight hours. I'll bring you some blood bags tomorrow so you don't have to feed on people yet until you're stronger."

"Feed on people?" Lydia retorted, growing angrier and angrier by the second. She was beginning to regret her choice to become a vampire. She didn't want to be one of it mean hurting innocent humans. "What kind of a monster feeds on people?"

"Unfortunately, love, we do."

a/n; sorry this is short and it took forever to update, I've just been super busy and had a bit of a block, but I'm back now. more exciting things will happen soon between Lydia and Klaus, I promise.
also thanks for 400 reads! that's 400 more than I ever thought I would ever get so thanks (:
also this is unedited like always

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