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It has been a week since Lydia's transition into a vampire and she still refused to drink from a human. Klaus didn't know what to do, so he turned to his brother Elijah for help.

"So what's the issue?" Elijah asked, not seeing why Klaus was making a big deal about Lydia refusing to drink from a vein.

"The issue is," Klaus began, pacing the room back and forth, "that she can't drink from blood bags forever. The hospital will notice their supply shrinking." He said, frustration growing inside of him. "What's going to happen if the humans discover there are vampires in New Orleans?"

"Calm down, brother," Elijah commanded softly. He paused, letting an idea form in his head. "Does she know how to feed from a human?"

"Does she- of course she does!" Klaus shouted, growing more and more irritated by the second at his brother's stupidity. "She's afraid of killing them, of harming them."

"You need to show her how to feed without killing," Elijah supplied, "Then teach her how to compel her meal how to forget."

Klaus had never thought of that before. Does she even know that she can feed without killing?

"Brother," Klaus began, a grin growing on his lips, "you are a genius."

A smile crossed Elijah's face; "So I'm told."


"Lydia, love, I need to talk to you," Klaus calmly spoke as he walked into Lydia's condo.

"Then talk away," Lydia sighed. After a straight week of a Klaus trying to get her to drink from a human, she was beginning to grow tired of his attempts.

"Do you know that you can feed off a human without hurting them?" Klaus asked with his hands behind her back.

Lydia's hard expression softened. "No," she answered. "No, I didn't know that."

"I can teach you if you'd like," he offered.

She chewed at the inside of her cheek, wondering if she should accept Klaus' invitation to teach her how to feed. "Would you be willing to?"

"Absolutely," he answered, a smile on his lips.

"Then I would like that."

"Fantastic," Klaus grinned, clapping his hands together. "Then go put on a tight dress because tonight, love, we're going clubbing."


An hour later, Klaus had his arm wrapped around Lydia's waist as he escorted her into a club in downtown New Orleans. He liked the way her blond curly hair looked up in a ponytail with a few loose strands framing her face.

"Please tell me how going clubbing is going to help me learn how to feed without hurting people," Lydia asked for an explanation, the sarcasm spilling out of her mouth with every word as she tugged down the short tight black dress she had thrown on, attempting to make it longer.

"First lesson of feeding," he began as he held open the door for Lydia, "is that you need to have a hunting ground. Personally, bars are my favorite spot. Although, you can find a quick bite to eat anywhere," Klaus smiled at himself, finding himself amusing. "But tonight, I felt in the mood to show off a beautiful girl such as yourself."

Lydia felt heat rush to her cheeks. She wasn't used to attractive guys calling her beautiful. "Do I just pick someone?"


Her eyes scanned the room looking for her first victim. Lydia stopped searching when her eyes landed on some jock slipping a pill into a girl's drink. "Asshole," she muttered to herself before turning to Klaus. "That one," she told him, pointing to the jerk.

Klaus followed her finger to where she was pointing. "Shall we then?" He asked, holding up his hand for Lydia to take.

Hesitant at first but then growing in confidence, Lydia grasped his hand and intertwined their fingers, letting their hands fall to their sides. "We shall."

Hand in hand, Lydia and Klaus inconspicously made their way over to where the jerk Lydia had picked out was standing. Slyly, Lydia turned to face the asshat and looked him in the eye as Klaus whispered in her ear, "Compell him not to scream. Tell him to be calm."

Taking Klaus' advice, Lydia made eye contact with the jerk. "You will not scream," she told him. She was surprised at how calm her voice sounded and the way his pupils dialated when she commanded him to do, or not to do something. "You will be calm," she told him.

Slowly, Lydia drew her head back, revealing her growing fangs. She sunk them into the flesh of the jerk who was drugging girl's drinks. Once Lydia had drank enough of his blood to sustain herself for a while, she made eye contact with him again. "You will forget this happened and you will stop drugging people's drinks," she added, trying to ensure the safety of the rest of the girls in the club.

Once the asshat had walked away, Lydia turned to face Klaus. She was nervous to see how he'd react.

"Well done, love," he said, grinning. "You did quite well considering it was your first time. How do you feel?"

"How do I feel?" Lydia repeated his question trying to come up with an answer. On one hand, she felt alive. Blood bags were nothing compared to drinking straight from the vein. On the other hand, she felt terrible and monsterous for how great it felt to embrace her true self. "I feel... exhilarated."

The already exisiting grin on Klaus' face grew wider once Lydia had answered. He was glad she didn't feel guilty for drinking from the vein. After all, human's can reproduce more blood after they loose some. Relief washed over his body as she answered. He knew she wouldn't have been able to keep feeding out of blood bags for much longer until the hospital he had been stealing them from would have noticed.

"There's only one rule about feeding from humans," Klaus said, the grin on his lips becoming mischievious. "No feeding on the locals."

a/n: thanks for reading! if you like teen wolf, be sure to check out my Stiles fanfic called Revive Me. um that's really it. i hope you enjoyed this chapter and i hope you have a day as fantastic as you are :)

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