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"Klaus, we need to talk immediately," Elijah's voice rang from the other end of the phone call.

The sound of Klaus' voice on the phone and the sudden feeling of a half empty bed woke Lydia up at 4:07 in the morning. She tried to go back to sleep but despite all of her efforts, she couldn't shake the tone of concern that Klaus bore in his voice every time he spoke.

"What's wrong, brother Elijah?" Klaus asked.

"The wolves are acting up again. They're terrorizing a record store in the quarters owned by Joe," Elijah explained.

"And why do we care about Joe?" Klaus asked, unsure of where Elijah was going with this.

"Joe is a vampire and has owned that record store for 90 years," Elijah told him. "And letting the wolves get away with terrorizing him simply because he is a vampire would be a sign of weakness, leading them to believe that they can walk all over the quarters as though it were wolves who spent centuries building it from their own sweat and blood, not vampires."

"You make a valid point. What do you suggest we do?"

Lydia rolled over in bed to see Klaus standing shirtless, his jeans resting just below his hips and his back muscles flexed as he ran his free hand through his hair. She smiled admiringly at him, although he couldn't see her.

Klaus muffled something into his phone that Lydia didn't catch. Soon after, he turned his attention to his shirt and jacket that were lying on the floor next to the bed and swiftly put them on. He swooped down so that his face was hovering against Lydia's and he pressed his lips softly to her forehead. "I'll see you tomorrow, little love." And with that he was gone in an instant.


Once Klaus had dealt with the wolves, he made his way back to see Lydia at her condo. Where he should have her usual smiling face, he found nothing. She was gone. Instantly he knew something was wrong. He had absolutely no reason to believe that she didn't just leave of her own accord, but in his gut instinct, he knew something had happened to her and he knew exactly who was responsible- the wolves.

Frantically, Klaus reached into his pocket and he got in his car and drove back towards his home in the Quarter. He dialed Elijah's number, each ring making him grow more and more anxious.

"Elijah, pick up the phone," he whispered to himself, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.

Just when he thought that Elijah wasn't going to answer, the ringing stopped and was replaced by his brother's voice. "Hello?"

"Elijah, the wolves took her," Klaus said, cutting straight to the point.

"The wolves took who?" Elijah asked.

"Lydia! They took her while we were dealing with their little diversion," he explained. "I didn't think they would be smart enough to really come up with such a plan, but I guess dogs do have brains."

"How would they know you were even interested in her?" Elijah asked.

"I dunno, they've probably seen me with her around the city, at the ball, at a bar, anywhere really!" Klaus exclaimed. "We're going to find out where they took her. Then we're going to rip them apart limb by limb," he said, ending the call with Elijah. The thought of killing the wolves encouraged Klaus. He pushed the gas pedal in more, and sped down the highway towards the Quarters.


After picking up Elijah, the duo drove out to the cemetery, assuming they could find Lydia being held hostage there and if not her, then they could find information as to her where-abouts.

Quickly and quietly, the brothers snuck into the grave yard and began searching around for a sign of wolves. It wasn't long before the wolves found them. There were seventy or so wolves, cornering them from every direction. Some were perched on top of tombstones while others stood menacingly on the ground. The two vampires were surrounded.

"Where's the girl?" Klaus asked, his voice booming through out the grave yard. No one answered. "WHERE IS SHE?" He yelled.

The wolves inched closer and closer.

"Answer me or I will rip you apart limb by limb and feed your hearts to the last wolf standing," Klaus threatened.

It was the girl in the front, who seemed to be the leader of the pack who spoke first. "Looks like you'll be feeding me hearts tonight," she smirked before lunging for an attack.

a/n: sorry for taking a while to update, i've just been unable to. but now i'm back and i have a few ideas for this story that i think you guys will enjoy! sorry this chapter is a bit short but it is setting up the preface of the story of a supernatural civil war, primarily being wolves vs vampires!
thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed it! :)

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