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It had been four days since Klaus had visited Lydia. He knew he was doing what would be the best for her in the end, he just wished she could seen it. She didn't know how murderous and deceiving he could be. Lydia didn't know how bad of a person Klaus saw himself as.

But, of course, it hurt him like hell to be away from her. In the short time they had known each other, Klaus and grown rather fond of the blonde gal. She reminded him of the few times in life when he was perfectly content with everything. Those short lasted times were what helped him get through things like World War 1 and The Great Depression and what have you.

Lydia had made a tremendous impact on Klaus' life within the week or two they had known each other. She made him want to be a better person, to prove to her that he wasn't necessarily all bad and that there were good parts to him.

But alas, he knew that in the end, he would fail her. He knew that he would somehow find a way to screw over Lydia and hurt her. He decided to just spare her the pain.

So why was it that he found himself at her doorstep?

Before Klaus knew what he was doing, he was knocking on her door. Shortly after his knock, Lydia answered. In that moment, Klaus thought she looked more beautiful than he had ever seen a woman look before. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a tight fitting tank top. Her hair was pulled into a messy ponytail, leaving loose strands hanging down to frame her makeup-less face.

"Lydia," Klaus breathed.

"That's what they call me," she retorted sarcastically. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to apologize," he told her. "I'm sorry for blocking you out when I should have been letting you in. I just didn't want to hurt you. But I've come to realize that hurting you is inevitable." He brought his hand up to her cheek and cupped her face. "But Lydia, love, I don't want to be without you. For the first time in a thousand years I want to become a better man. You make me want to be a better man. I've killed who knows how many in cold blood and in vengeance but you make me want to better myself and do more good. And I've never met a woman who could do that."

Lydia was shocked. She didn't know how to respond so she didn't. She brought her hand to rest upon Klaus' that lay on her cheek. Gently, Lydia pulled his hand away from her face and brought it down to her lips where she placed a kiss on his palm.

Not being able to suppress his urges anymore, Klaus crashed his lips into Lydia's, desperate for her touch. Their lips molded together perfectly. Their hands raking up and down all over the sides of each other's bodies. Lydia slipped her hands into Klaus hair and ran her fingers through it, earning a moan from Klaus. Seizing the moment, she slipped her tongue into Klaus' mouth and made her tongue dance with his.

Soon enough, Klaus hands were hovering around the hem of Lydia's tank top. Upon realizing Klaus' intent of taking off her shirt she pulled away, nervous and scared.

"Um," she began, "I've never done this before."

"You've never had sex?" Klaus asked. He was surprised. Lydia was so beautiful that he was shocked she hadn't had sex.

"No," she admitted, shyly,

"That's quite alright, darling," Klaus said, placing a kiss on her nose. "We don't have to if you don't want to."

Appreciative of how calm and nonchalant Klaus was acting about her being a virgin, Lydia sighed in relief and murmured a thank you to him.

"I'm still really sorry, love," Klaus whispered.

"Come on," Lydia said, grabbing Klaus' hand and pulling him out of her back door and to the beach. "I want to show you something."

They walked hand in hand for some time before Lydia found her favorite spot underneath a palm tree with a pier off the the right in the distance.

The sun was setting, casting a myraid of beautiful shades of colors across the sky. Lydia sat down and rested her chin on her knee. Taking a cue from the blonde, Klaus sat too and watched the sun succumb to the horizon.

As the last bit of sun disappeared, Lydia sighed on contentment.

"Why did you bring me here?" Klaus asked.

"Boys aren't the only ones who can do romantic gestures," Lydia told him. "We're waiting for the stars to come out and then I'll tell you why we're here getting sand down our asses." Klaus laughed and looked out at the sea. He was surprised how calming it was. In his thousand years of life, he never took the time to just sit and listen to the sound of waves crashing. In fact, he so seldom enjoyed the simple pleasures in life. He always thought he was too busy to enjoy moments like these,

He didn't know if it was the sound of waves crashing or her presence that was calming him. What he did know, was that he wanted to stay in thay moment forever.

Eventually, the stars came out to play and Lydia laid on her back, pulloing Klaus down too. They both laid there counting the stars for a moment before either of them spoke.

"I brought you here because I wanted to tell you something," Lydia began. "You keep apologizing for something I have already forgiven you for," she explained.

Klaus turned to his side and propped his head up on his hand so he could watch her speak.

"Look at the stars," Lydia continued. "There's so many of them and the reach out across the entire universe. They help me realize that I am just one person. My mistakes, my accomplishments, my feelings don't matter in the grand scheme of things."

"That's not true-" Klaus began before he was cut off by Lydia.

"But it is. Me forgetting to call my mom and tell her I was home safely is not going to impact the world. Neither is me winning the spelling bee in ninth grade or me getting upset over some boy not asking me to prom. These things just seem so small when you look at something so big, like the stars." Lydia told him.

Klaus was wondering what this had to do with anything.

"My point is," she continued, "is that your mistakes, no matter how big they seem to you, are not that big. In fact, if you combined all of your mistakes and made them into a star and threw it up there in the sky, we probably wouldn't be able to see them from here. That's how small they are."

Klaus was at a loss for words. He hadn't known Lydia was so insightful. He knew she was smart but damn, he didn't know her mind wondered that far. It made him want to hear more of her thoughts. It made him realize that he may be in love with her. And that scared him.

So Klaus did the only thing he could think of doing at the moment. He pulled her near him and gently pressed his lips to hers.

a/n: the first half of this chapter took like a week to write and the last half took like twenty minutes. but either way, i hope you enjoyed it and its kinda all over the place and not excptional or anything but yeah. thanks :))

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