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Lydia woke up in a bed the next morning that was everything but her own. She sat up quickly, wincing at the pounding pain in her head. But she was relieved to see that her clothes were still on and intact.

"Good morning, love," Klaus said. She hadn't noticed him lurking in the doorway.

"What am I doing here?" Lydia asked, bringing a hand up to her throbbing head. "And do you have any aspirin?"

"You're here because you were too drunk last night to go home, seeing as you're underage and you were too intoxicated to give me proper directions to where you were staying," Klaus explained. His arms were folded loosely across his chest. "As for the aspirin, I'm afraid we don't have any."

Lydia sighed, disappointed in Klaus' lack of medicine. "Alright then, can you take me home?" She asked.

Klaus walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it. "Not until we've gone out for breakfast." He smirked. "It is the most important meal of the day, you know."

"Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say," Lydia said. She threw her hair up in a very messy ponytail and put on her jacket.

Breakfast wasn't as awkward as she thought it would be. Klaus was being very polite and kind. He still asked her a lot of questions though, much like the night before, at least of what she remembered of it.

"Listen, Lydia," Klaus said. Lydia blushed a bit at the sound of her name rolling off his tongue. "My buddy is hosting a charity gala this evening, and I was wondering if you would like to come?" He asked.

"As your date?" She questioned, swallowing the last bit of her eggs.

"Yeah, well, it doesn't have to be a date if you don't-"

"I would love to come," She said, "But, I don't have anything to wear," Lydia added.

Klaus shook his head. "No, no. Don't worry about that, I've got it covered, love."

"Then, I'll be there," She said, smiling at the man. She hesitated for a moment before adding; "As your date."

"Excellent," Klaus smiled back at her. "Waiter, could we get the check, please?"

Klaus paid the check before escorting Lydia to his car. He drove her home and walked her to her doorstep. "You're making me feel like I'm in a movie," Lydia told him. "With the taking care of me while I'm drunk and paying for breakfast and walking me to my doorstep and whatnot."

"Yes well, I was raised to treat women like royalty," Klaus said, smiling at the blonde. "Very well, until tonight then."

"Goodbye, Klaus," Lydia unlocked her door before stepping inside.

"Goodbye, love," He said, turning and leaving.

Lydia shut her door and made a beeline towards the bathroom. She took a shower- which she desperately needed- making sure she shaved her legs so she could wear shorts later without having to worry if she looked Sully from Monsters Inc. Once out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her and brushed her teeth.

Tired and hungover, Lydia took two aspirin and flopped down on the couch, reaching for the remote. She turned on the flat screen and flipped through channels before landing on one showing Criminal Mind reruns... her favorite show.

Lydia wasn't sure when she fell asleep, all she knew was that it was half past six in the afternoon when her doorbell rung, waking her up. Groggily, she got up from the couch and opened the door. No one was there. She was about to close the door when she saw a golden box sealed with a black bow sitting on her doorstep. Lydia bent down and picked up the package, noticing that there was a little note slipped under the ribbon. She shut the door with her hip and opened the note.

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