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a/n: I forgot to edit this so if you point out any mistakes I will kill.

Lydia and Klaus had been dancing and flirting for twenty minutes before deciding to take a break.

"Do you want me to introduce you to some more people?" Klaus asked once they had both gotten a drink from the bar.

"Sure," Lydia said. She didn't usually like meeting so many people, but she figured she could suck it up for one night.

Klaus pulled her over to the side of the room where a fit black man dressed in suit and tie stood with the prettiest girl Lydia had ever seen. She was tall, a bit pale, and blonde. Her eyes were the deepest shade of blue. Lydia almost felt threatened by her presence.

Klaus said, "This is my sister, Rebekah," he motioned towards the very pretty blonde, which made her wave her hand in response, "And this is my old friend Marcel. He's the one behind this whole gala," Klaus explained.

"It's very nice to meet you both," Lydia said, smiling at the two strangers.

"Oh look at her," Rebekah said, "She's so polite. I haven't seen such etiquette since..." She trailed off, looking Lydia up and down. "Since a long time."

"Lydia, love," Klaus began, "Would you mind if I left you in the hands of Marcel here for a moment so I could have a word with Rebekah?" He asked.

"No, not at all," Lydia answered, wishing that he wouldn't be gone too long. She really did hate meeting new people.

"Excellent," he smiled before turns green towards Rebekah, "Rebekah, may I have a word?"

"Of course, Nik," she smiled, following after her brother and disappearing into the crowd.

"So," Marcel began, turning towards Lydia, "You're Klaus' new object of affection?"

Lydia's nostril's flared out of anger. Being the feminist she was, Lydia was somewhat disgusted by Marcel's statement. "First of all, I'm not an object. I'm a person," she stated matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry," the man apologized, "I didn't mean to offend you or anything. It's just Klaus isn't usually a very nice guy," he explained. "I mean he is, he just has very interesting ways of getting what he wants." This left Lydia confused at what Marcel was trying to get at. "You know what, nevermind," he said, shaking off the thought, "How about we get you a drink?"

Marcel's presence- after that spiel about Klaus not being nice and her being an object- made her uncomfortable. She was desperately looking for a reason to leave when Elijah showed up by her side.

"Hello Marcel," Elijah greeted, raising his glass of champagne, "Fantastic party you've got going on here." You could tell Elijah's presence made Marcel feel threatened, while it made Lydia feel a bit safer. "Do you mind if I steal the girl for a dance?"

"Steal away," Marcel said. He stuck his hands out as if giving Lydia away.

Elijah led Lydia in towards the middle of the room where they joined many other party goers in the waltz. "Thank you," she said, "for saving me from Marcel."

"Not a problem," Elijah said, spinning her. "I could tell he made you feel uncomfortable."

"He gave me the heeby jeebies," Lydia admitted.

The two danced for a while in silence before Elijah spoke, "I can't seem to put my finger on it."

"Put your finger on what?" She asked.

"On what it is about you that my brother likes. I mean you're very beautiful so there's that," He explained. "Oh, and he does have a thing for blondes, but I don't think that's it."

"I admire many qualities about Lydia," Klaus said, returning to her side. She was relieved to see Klaus. "In fact," he began, "I adore her. So very much so that I'm going to ask her to dance with me." Klaus told his brother before turning to the blonde. "Lydia, would you like to dance?"

Lydia was about to accept Klaus' offer when she started feeling slightly woozy and dizzy. She lost her balance and almost fell, but Klaus caught her arm, keeping her stable.

"Are you alright, love?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed.

Her vision was going hazy as lost her balance again, this time falling unconscious to the floor.

"Take her to the hospital," Elijah ordered.

Without a word, Klaus scooped up the unconscious Lydia in his arms and, using his vampire speed, ran the girl to the closet hospital.

Once there, the doctors wouldn't let him in, saying they weren't related and asking if she had an emergency contacts.

a/n: I know this is a short update but it's setting up the rest of the story so bare with me here.

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