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As Klaus tore the heart out of the last werewolf, Elijah rolled up his sleeve that fell loose sometime during the fight with the wolves.

"So much bloodshed, yet we found no useful information leading us to the girl," Elijah sighed.

"I wouldn't speak so soon, brother," Klaus said, a smirk appearing on his face. With his head, he gestured towards a younger wolf, sitting by himself, whimpering behind a grave. The young wolf looked eight, maybe nine, and frightened. After all, he did just watch his entire family be slaughtered.

As if in sync, Elijah and Klaus made their way over to the child and stood in front of him.

"How old are you, boy?" Elijah asked.

"N-nine," he stuttered between sobs.

"And are you a wolf too?" Klaus asked.

The boy shook his head no. "My f-family was but for wh-whatever reason, I ski-skipped out on those genes," he explained, revealing himself as an orphan.

"Ah, the black sheep of the family," Klaus mused, crouching down so he was eye level with the child. "Every family has one; the bastard, the human- in the end we're all the same." He smiled at the boy, feeling sympathy in his heart for the fellow black sheep. "What's your name?"

"Ryan," he said, his voice shaking.

"Well, Ryan, my brother and I are willing to make a deal if you are." Ryan gulped, encouraging Klaus to continue. "We can take you under our wing. Raise you, let you live with us, dine with us, be with us. Then one day, when you're ready and when you're of age, we can make you one of us," Klaus offered.

"Wh-what are you?" Ryan asked.

"We're the most powerful creatures on Earth. We're creatures of the night, but with these special rings we can walk through the day. We can reach speeds faster than light and can crush stones with our bare hands. We can never age and we can never die. We're vampires, Elijah and I, and if you accept our offer, we intend to make you one too."

"What do you need me to do?" Ryan asked, wiping the tears off of his face.

"We need you to tell us where the wolves took the girl," Klaus told him. "If you can do that for us then we can give you everything."

Ryan looked up at Klaus and for whatever reason, he trusted his eyes and found solace and comfort in them. "I don't know where they took her for sure," he began. "They said something about a cabin in the bayou, but that's all I know."

Klaus sighed in relief at the information. "Thank you, Ryan." He stood up and turned to Elijah. "See that he's take care of. Take him home and make sure he settles in."

"But brother, what if there are wolves at the bayou?' Elijah asked, wanting no harm to come to his brother, who he believed was on the path to finding his humanity again.

"No," Klaus began, "You're not coming with me. This is my fight for Lydia. I need to be the one who saves her."

"Very well," Elijah begged, swallowing his pride. "I'll take the boy home."

"Thank you," Klaus praised. Then just like that, he was gone.


Lydia sat in a dark shack, the only light shining through the cracks where planks of wood failed to meet each other. Ever since being thrown in there earlier that morning, her only entertainment being the dust rising and failing, glimmering in the sunlight. She stood, her wrists chained to the ceiling. Lydia tried ripping them out, but to no avail. Sighing in defeat, she prayed that Klaus would come and save her. Lydia laughed at the thought. She had hardly known the guy for a few weeks, why would he risk his life to save her when she was so easily replaceable.

She was growing hungry, growing weak. Lydia wanted nothing more than to be free and to feed.

Just as she was about to fall into unconciousness, Lydia's mind snapped back to reality when she heard racket outside the shack. Her breathing quickened as the sounds grew louder, closer.

For a moment the fighting noises stopped and the hope that was built in Lydia's heart thickened in anticipation, praying someone would bust in and save her from her misery.

Her hopes came true.

At first blinded by the sunlight after being in the dark for so long, Lydia's eyes quickly adjusted. Relief washed over her as she realized that it was Klaus standing in the door way of the shack.

"Well, love, what have you been up to?" Klaus teasted, a smirk crossing his face.

"Oh, you know," Lydia breathed, "just hanging around."

Klaus chuckled at her joke, as he made his way over to her. Gently, he released her left hand free from the chains that held her captive. "You know, love," Klaus started, unleashing her other hand, "I'd like to see you in chains more often."

"Oh shut up," Lydia laughed, rubbing her throbbing wrists.

Klaus gently took her wrists in his hands and brought them inches away from his face. Lydia could feel his warm breath on her skin. "Don't worry, my love," he said, looking at her, "they'll heal once you feed." He brought her wrists to his lips and placed a soft kiss on each one, before gently dropping them.

"Let's get out of here, please," Lydia commanded. She reached for Klaus' hand and lead him out of the shack and back to her condo.

a/n: so yeah a lot kinda happened in this chapter. but i wanted klaus to take in someone like he did with marcel in the tv show to show his goodness and to give him someone to fight for other than lydia and his family. so yeah fun times. i hope you liked this chapter :))

p.s. this chapter is unedited because i was so eager to post it aka don't point out the grammatical errors within it unless you want your head ripped off :)))))))))))))))))))))

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