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Lydia woke up the next day feeling an ache in her neck and a pit in her stomach. She wasn't in the hospital when she woke, meaning that Klaus had moved her. She looked around the room, searching for him. "Where is he?" she whispered to herself. Lydia rolled out of bed and made her way towards the door that was wide open.

Suddenly, she screamed out in pain. Lydia's skin began burning. As though it was a reflex, she quickly stepped out of the streak of light peeking in through the opened curtains. She carefully closed them, making sure to seal off the sun from this particular room.

"Here, love," Klaus said from behind her, causing her to spin on her heels. "You'll be needing this," he held out a ring. It had a silver band and in the middle was a deep blue stone of some sort. "It'll protect you from the sun. If you wear it, you can go outside during the day. If you don't and you go outside, then you will combust and turn into a pile of ashes."

"Cute," Lydia commented.

"The ring or the death by sun?" Klaus asked, a smirk playing at his lips.

Looking over at the man and she smiled. "Both." For some odd reason, Lydia found herself hoping that this wasn't the only ring he'd ever give her. 

Suddenly, she began feeling light headed and reached a hand out to stabilize herself. Klaus quickly grabbed her arm, sitting her on the bed.

"You need to feed," he said simply. Klaus pulled out a bag of blood from his pocked. "Type A. I swiped it from the hospital while we were there."

She wasn't really listening as she was focused on the blood bag. Lydia could smell the blood, desiring to consume it. Quickly, she took the bag from Klaus' hand and brought it to her lips, her teeth extending into her lower lip. The blood slipped through her lips, over her tongue and down her throat, satisfying the pit in her stomach that has been gnawing at her since she woke up.

Once the bag was empty, Klaus took it from her and tossed it into the trash can under the night stand next to the bed. "How do you feel, love?"

How do I feel? Lydia asked herself, Strong. Powerful. Energetic.

"I feel infinite," Lydia said, quoting a line from her favorite book to movie adaptation- The Perks of Being A Wallflower. Sighing, she stood up from the bed. "I would like to go home now," she said matter-of-factly.

"Very well," Klaus said, standing up, "I'll escort you home myself."

As the two turned to leave the Mikaelson Manor, Elijah appeared in the doorway. "You turned her?" He said, a hint of disgust in his voice.

"Yes," Klaus answered calmly, "she was going to die if I didn't."

Elijah pointed a finger at him, "You better be careful," and with that, he walked out.

Lydia felt exposed after that scene. She didn't know why it was such a big deal to turn people into vampires especially when they're going to die if you don't. Klaus practically saved her life. There was nothing wrong with that. In fact, it was hot. It kinda turned Lydia on.

Without a word of these new thoughts, Lydia followed Klaus out of the house and into the passenger seat of a black car. Klaus opened the door for her and using his vampire speed, he moved to the driver's side in the blink of an eye.

"How did you-?" Lydia asked, baffled at his speed.

"You can do it too," he said, starting the car.

"You're going to have to teach me all the ins and outs of being a vampire," she said, at loss of all the possibilities that she could have.

"Well to start off, no we do not sleep in coffins or upside down. We are not affected by moving water as our only natural enemies are the sun, wood and fire," Klaus explained.

"If the sunlight is our enemy, how are we out in the middle of the day?"

"For you, the ring I gave you protects you from the sun," he said, "I had a witch make it."

"What about for you?"

"For me, sunlight and fire and wood don't work on me because I'm an original, as well as a hybrid?" Klaus said, a smile at his lips, waiting to see her reaction.

"An original vampire?" Lydia gaped. "As in the first vampire?"

"One of the first five, yes," he confirmed.

"So you're like a billion years old then?"

"No," he answered, "I'm only one thousand years old."

"Oh my God," Lydia said, hiding a smile.


"I can't believe I have a crush on a man who is 982 years older than me!" Lydia exclaimed.

Klaus didn't respond, but he smiled a huge smile- the largest in centuries.


Once Lydia got home, she decided to invite Klaus inside, asking him to wait ten minutes so she could shower and change.

Lydia rushed into her room and practically tore off her clothes before she jumped into the shower. She washed everything as fast and as well as she possibly could in the four minutes she spent in the shower. When she got out, she wrapped one towel around her body and another around her blond locks. She skipped over to her closet and tried to pick out a cute but laid back outfit in attempts of trying to impress the original that was sitting on her couch just one room over. Deciding on a pair of black leggings and a flowly light blue tank top, Lydia quickly threw on the clothes and combed through her now damp hair. She was about to apply some foundation when she looked in the mirror and realized she didn't need to. Her skin looked smooth like porcelain. Unlike before, Lydia's skin was flawless. She had decided that perfect skin was a side effect of becoming a vampire.

Without a single blemish in sight, Lydia opened the door that lead to the living room and smiled at the boy sitting on her couch.

"Would you like some wine?" Lydia asked.

"No," Klaus said, getting off the couch and walking towards her. "But I would like to know why you like me."

Caught off guard, Lydia blushed a little before responding. "You're charming, handsome and kind," she explained. Feeling like that didn't explain it well enough, Lydia came up with something else to explain why she liked the man standing before her. "Do you remember what I told you when you asked me why I came to New Orleans the day we first met?" Lydia asked, taking a step closer to the man.

"You said it was because New Orleans had an allure like no other," Klaus answered swiftly.

Lydia took another step before she spoke, "and that's exactly what I think about you."

Klaus grinned took advantage of their closeness. He placed his two hands on her waist, pulling her even closer. Lydia tilted her head up and Klaus bent his down, connecting their lips and embracing them in a kiss.

a/n: should they frick frack or no? this also is shortish but a lot happened so you know it's okay that it's short. I hope you enjoyed this chapter as well as the ones preceding it.
this chapter, like many others, isn't edited. sorry.
ps follow me on Twitter @sweetlanguor

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