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At Klaus' request, Elijah stayed at the hospital with Klaus, keeping his brother company.

"Why do you care for her?" Elijah asked.

"She's lonely," Klaus answered without hesitation. "Much like me. She's lonely but strong and smart. She knows what she wants but doesn't know how to get it," he explained. "I think I can help her."

"With getting what she wants or from being lonely?" Elijah questioned.


After two hours of testing and impatient waiting, Klaus finally decided he had had enough and wanted to know what was going on. He compelled one of Lydia's doctors to find out what was going on and how she was doing.

"It's not good," the doctor said, "We found a tumor in her brain while doing a CT. We're not sure if it's operable or how long it's been there or how fast it's growing, which is what we're trying to figure out now."

Klaus shrank back away from the doctor, unsure of what to do with the new information, not wanting to believe it. "I need to see her," he whispered to himself. "I have to see her," he repeated a little louder and with more urgency in his voice. He looked at the doctor. "Can I see her?"

The doctor nodded. "She's been asking for you for a while now."

The doctor showed Klaus the way to her room. It was oddly plain. White walls, white blankets, white floors, a light blue chair in the corner for visitors. The only sound was of the monitor mimicking her heart beats.

"How are you feeling, love?" He asks.

"Well, despite my impending death, quite alright," Lydia laughed, a stray tear falling down her face. She quickly wiped it away. Klaus didn't know what to say. It was odd- in the two or three days he's known the girl, he's felt oddly connected to her. "I'm only eighteen," She said, snapping Klaus and his thoughts back to reality. "I've done nothing with my life. Coming here, to New Orleans, is the first time I've ever left my hometown. How pathetic is that?" Another tear fell and he moved to sit in the chair next to her hospital bed.

"Did they tell you how long you had to live?" He asked, unsure of if he really wanted to know the answer.

"They said that I have a week at worst and a month at best," she explained. "Oh god. I've barely even lived. Eighteen years is not enough time on this Earth! I've never been to Europe, or New York City. I've never fallen in love or had a child of my own," she choked on her sobs. "I've never written the book I've been fantasizing about since I was eleven! I haven't lived! I haven't experienced the best life has to offer!" Lydia was sobbing at this point.

Klaus reached out to her and pulled her into his arms, letting her tears ruin his tux. He had to admit, he felt guilty. Here he was a thousand years old, having lived life to beyond its fullest. Here he was with a cure. She would become immortal, immune to disease and aging. Her only enemy the sun and wood. But would she ever dare to become such a monster?

"What if I told you there was a cure?" Klaus asked tentatively.

"For my tumor?" Lydia asked, excited but doubtful.

"For any disease. For death. You'd live forever and never die," He told her.

"That would be..." the girl was searching for the right word. "That would be wonderful."

"There are side effects however," Klaus began. "You would have to feed on human blood,"

"You mean like a vampire?" She asked, skeptical of the thought.

"Exactly like a vampire." He looked at the girl and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "That's what I am."

"Show me," Lydia commanded confidently.

Klaus wasn't expecting that to be her response, but he did as he was told. He let his fangs slide out and his eyes turn the gold color from his werewolf gene. Lydia brought her hand to his face, running her fingers over the veins underneath his eyes. She thought he was beautiful. He thought he was an abomination.

His face returned to normal but Lydia didn't remove her hands. Instead, she gently slid them down his face and to his shoulders, never moving her eyes away from his, pulling herself up to give him a kiss on the cheek. The moment her lips connected with his skin, Klaus felt the entire world explode around him. At the same time, he felt calm.

"Make me one," Lydia commanded, certain of her decision.

Klaus smiled a bit before revealing his fangs and biting into his wrist. "Drink up love," he said, lifting his wrist towards her mouth. She brought his bleeding wrist to her lips. She was surprised to find that his blood didn't taste like blood usually tasted- coppery and gross. Klaus' blood tasted how silk feels.

Once Lydia had enough blood, Klaus brought his hand up to her face and tucked a loose strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry love," he whispered, "but this is going to hurt." And with  that, he snapped her neck in half.

a/n: this chapter was shorter as well, but a lot happened and its setting the stage for the rest of the story. I hope you enjoyed it :))

ps I didn't edit this so if you point out any mistakes I'll end you

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